Thursday, September 01, 2022

Know Your Isolation Levels to Develop Correct and Efficient Db2 Programs

Did you know that Db2 provides a method to change the way a program or SQL statement acquires locks? That way is known as the isolation level and it can be set to specify the locking behavior for a transaction or statement. Standard SQL defines four isolation levels that can be set using the SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL statement:

·        Serializable

·        Repeatable read

·        Read committed

·        Read uncommitted

The isolation level determines the mode of page or row locking implemented by the program as it runs.

Db2 supports a variation of the standard isolation levels. Db2 implements page and row locking at the program execution level, which means that all page or row locks are acquired as needed during the program run. Page and row locks are released as the program run depending on the isolation level.

In Db2 you can specify the following four isolation levels: cursor stability (CS), repeatable read (RR), read stability (RS), and uncommitted read (UR).

Using the ISOLATION parameter of the BIND command you can set the isolation level of a package or plan. You also can use the WITH parameter on a SELECT statement to set the isolation level of a single SQL statement.

Cursor stability is the Db2 implementation of the SQL standard read committed isolation level. CS is perhaps the most common DB2 isolation level in use in production applications because it offers a good tradeoff between data integrity and concurrency. When CS is specified the transaction will never read data that is not yet committed; only committed data can be read. Cursor stability is the current default isolation level if none is specified at BIND time.

A higher level of integrity is provided with repeatable read. Under an RR isolation level all page locks are held until they are released by a COMMIT (or ROLLBACK), whereas with CS read-only page locks are released as soon as another page is accessed.

An RR page locking strategy is useful when an application program requires consistency in rows that may be accessed twice in one execution of the program, or when an application program requires data integrity that cannot be achieved with CS.

For example, of a good reason to use RR page locking, consider a reporting program that scans a table to produce a detail report, and then scans it again to produce a summarized managerial report. If the program is bound using CS, the results of the first report might not match the results of the second.

Suppose that you are reporting the estimated completion dates for project activities. The first report lists every project and the estimated completion date. The second, managerial report lists only the projects with a completion date greater than one year.

The first report indicates that two activities are scheduled for more than one year. After the first report but before the second, however, an update occurs. A manager realizes that she underestimated the resources required for a project. She invokes a transaction to change the estimated completion date of one of her project's activities from 8 months to 14 months. The second report is produced by the same program, but reports 3 activities.

If the program used an RR isolation level rather than CS, an UPDATE that occurs after the production of the first report but before the second would not have been allowed. The program would have maintained the locks it held from the generation of the first report and the updater would be locked out until the locks were released.

How about another example? Consider a program that is looking for pertinent information about employees in the information center and software support departments who make more than $30,000 in base salary. In the DB2 sample tables department 'C01' is the information center and department 'E21' is software support.

The program opens a cursor based on the following SELECT statement:

            WORKDEPT, SALARY
    FROM    DSN8B10.EMP
    WHERE   WORKDEPT IN ('C01', 'E21')
    AND     SALARY > 30000;

The program then begins to FETCH employee rows. Assume further, as would probably be the case, that the statement uses the XEMP2 index on the WORKDEPT column. An update program that implements employee modifications is running concurrently. The program handles transfers by moving employees from one department to another, and implements raises by increasing the salary.

Assume that Sally Kwan, one of your employees, has just been transferred from the information center to software support. Assume further that another information center employee, Heather Nicholls, received a 10 percent raise. The update program running concurrently with the report program implements both of these modifications.

If the report program were bound with an isolation level of CS, the second program could move Sally from 'C01' to 'E21' after she was reported to be in department 'C01' but before the entire report was finished. Thus, she could be reported twice: once as an information center employee and again as a software support employee. Although this circumstance is rare, it can happen with programs that use cursor stability. If the program were bound instead with RR, this problem could not happen. The update program probably would not be allowed to run concurrently with a reporting program, however, because it would experience too many locking problems.

Now consider Heather's dilemma. The raise increases her salary 10 percent, from $28,420 to $31,262. Her salary now fits the parameters specified in the WHERE condition of the SQL statement. Will she be reported? It depends on whether the update occurs before or after the row has been retrieved by the index scan, which is clearly a tenuous situation. Once again, RR avoids this problem.

You might be wondering, "If CS has the potential to cause so many problems, why is it used so ubiquitously? Why not trade the performance and concurrency gain of CS for the integrity of RR?"

The answer is simple: the types of problems outlined are rare. The expense of using RR, however, can be substantial in terms of concurrency. So the tradeoff between the concurrency expense of RR and the efficiency of CS usually is not a sound one.

The third isolation level provided by DB2 is read stability (RS). Read stability is similar in functionality to the RR isolation level, but a little less. A retrieved row or page is locked until the end of the unit of work; no other program can modify the data until the unit of work is complete, but other processes can insert values that might be read by your application if it accesses the row a second time.

Consider using read stability over repeatable read only when your program can handle retrieving a different set of rows each time a cursor or singleton SELECT is issued. If using read stability, be sure your application is not dependent on having the same number of rows returned each time.

Finally, we come to the last, and most maligned isolation level, uncommitted read (UR). The UR isolation level provides read-through locks, also know as dirty read or read uncommitted. Using UR can help to overcome concurrency problems. When you're using an uncommitted read, an application program can read data that has been changed but is not yet committed.

UR can be a performance booster, too, because application programs bound using the UR isolation level will read data without taking locks. This way, the application program can read data contained in the table as it is being manipulated. Consider the following sequence of events:

1.   To change a specific value, at 9:00 a.m. a transaction containing the
      following SQL is executed:

WHERE  EMPNO = 10020;

The transaction is a long-running one and continues to execute without issuing a COMMIT.

2.   At 9:01 a.m., a second transaction attempts to SELECT the data that was
      changed, but not committed.

If the UR isolation level were used for the second transaction, it would read the changed data even though it had yet to be committed. Obviously, if the program doesn't need to wait to take a lock and merely reads the data in whatever state it happens to be at that moment, the program will execute faster than if it had to wait for locks to be taken and resources to be freed before processing.

The implications of reading uncommitted data, however, must be carefully examined before being implemented. Several types of problems can occur. Using the previous example, if the long-running transaction rolled back the UPDATE to EMPNO 10020, the program using dirty reads may have picked up the wrong name ("MICHELLE") because it was never committed to the database.

Inaccurate data values are not the only problems that can be caused by using UR. A dirty read can cause duplicate rows to be returned where none exist. Alternatively, a dirty read can cause no rows to be returned when one (or more) actually exists. Additionally, an ORDER BY clause does not guarantee that rows will be returned in order if the UR isolation level is used. Obviously, these problems must be taken into consideration before using the UR isolation level.

Keep in mind, too, that the UR isolation level applies to read-only operations: SELECT, SELECT INTO, and FETCH from a read-only result table. Any application plan or package bound with an isolation level of UR will use uncommitted read functionality for any read-only SQL. Operations contained in the same plan or package and are not read-only will use an isolation level of CS.

When is it appropriate to use UR isolation? The general rule of thumb is to avoid UR whenever the results must be 100 percent accurate. Following are examples of when this would be true:

  • Calculations that must balance are being performed on the selected data
  • Data is being retrieved from one source to insert to or update another
  • Production, mission-critical work is being performed that cannot contain or cause data integrity problems

In general, most production Db2 applications are not serious candidates for dirty reads. In a few specific situations, however, the dirty read capability will be of major benefit. Consider the following cases in which the UR isolation level could prove to be useful:

  • Access is required to a reference, code, or look-up table that basically is static in nature. Due to the non-volatile nature of the data, a dirty read would be no different than a normal read the majority of the time. In those cases when the code data is being modified, any application reading the data would incur minimum, if any, problems.
  • Statistical processing must be performed on a large amount of data. Your company, for example, might want to determine the average age of female employees within a certain pay range. The impact of an uncommitted read on an average of multiple rows will be minimal because a single value changed will not greatly impact the result.
  • Dirty reads can prove invaluable in a data warehousing environment that uses DB2 as the DBMS. A data warehouse is a time-sensitive, subject-oriented, store of business data that is used for online analytical processing. Other than periodic data propagation and/or replication, access to the data warehouse is read-only. Because the data is generally not changing, an uncommitted read is perfect in a read-only environment due to the fact that it can cause little damage. More data warehouse projects are being implemented in corporations worldwide and DB2 with dirty read capability is a very wise choice for data warehouse implementation.
  • In those rare cases when a table, or set of tables, is used by a single user only, UR can make a lot of sense. If only one individual can be modifying the data, the application programs can be coded such that all (or most) reads are done using UR isolation level, and the data will still be accurate.
  • Finally, if the data being accessed already is inconsistent, little harm can be done using a dirty read to access the information.

Although the dirty read capability can provide relief to concurrency problems and deliver faster performance in specific situations, it also can cause data integrity problems and inaccurate results. Be sure to understand the implications of the UR isolation level and the problems it can cause before diving headlong into implementing it in your production applications.


It is important for Db2 DBAs and application programmers to know the four isolation levels and their impact on SQL. Using the isolation levels is an effective way to control concurrency and locking for your Db2 applications.

Thursday, August 04, 2022

All About zIIPs

If you work with Db2 then you need to know about the IBM zIIP specialty processor. This is true whether you are a DBA or a developer... and, let's face it, if you work on a mainframe in any capacity, you'll want to know at least something about zIIPs.

With that in mind, today's blog post is sort of a meta-post. You see, I've been writing a series of blog posts for Cloudframe on the topic of zIIPs. So, the goal today is to provide you with information about those posts and links to their content.

The first blog post, Understanding Mainframe Specialty Processors: zIIPs and More, is introductory in nature. It defines the term "specialty processor" and defines the various types of specialty processors available from IBM. And then it offers a bit more information about the zIIP.

The second post in this series is titled Digging Into the zIIP: What Does zIIP-Eligible Mean? The title is kind of self-describing as to what this post offers!

Next (3 of 8) we have Types of Processing That Can Utilize zIIPs & Why You Want to Use zIIPs which gets into TCBs and SRBs, enclaves, and discusses how zIIPs can reduce your mainframe software costs.

The fourth post in this series digs into one of the major benefits of zIIPs, namely the ability to run Java workloads on the zIIP. In the article, titled Java and the zIIP: Five Major Benefits, we look at the primary advantages that can be accrued by running Java on zIIPs instead of a general purpose CP.

And because the vast majority of mainframe programs are written in COBOL the fifth post, provides Options for Converting from COBOL to Java.

Next, we take a look at Common zIIP Usage Mistakes and How to Identify Them.

Then we turn our attention to the latest IBM pricing model, Tailored Fit Pricing, and examine how it can impact cost savings when it comes to zIIP usage. This post is titled, appropriately enough, The Impact of Tailored Fit Pricing on zIIPs.

And we close out with Predictions on the Future of zIIP and Specialty Processors (of course, this is my personal viewpoint on the topic with the proviso that nobody knows the future for sure)!

So it is my hope that you will take a moment or two and click through the links to the articles above that look interesting to you. And if you have any comments, or suggestions for future articles, as always, please post them below!

Friday, June 17, 2022

My Speaking Schedule at IDUG Db2 Tech Conference in Boston (2022)

 Just a quick note to let everybody who is coming to Boston in July for IDUG know what I will be speaking about and when my presentations are scheduled!

First of all, my regular IDUG session this year is titled "Things Your DBAs Hear... and how to stop making them crazy!" This session is based on my decades of experience as a DBA and as a consultant. This session walks you through interactions between developers and DBAs, in a light-hearted way. All of them are real-life examples of actual conversations I've been in (or observed).  Attend this session to learn what frustrates DBAs and how improving your communication can improve your relationship with your DBAs... and therefore improve your development  efforts!  This is session E11, and it will be delivered on Wednesday, July 13 at 11:30 AM.

I will also be presenting at two different VSP sessions, one on Tuesday and another on Wednesday (this is the 10:15 AM time slot on both days).

On Tuesday, I will be presenting with InfoTel on the topic "To Protect and Preserve: Treat Your Data Properly or Pay the Consquences." This session will discuss vital data management issues such as data archiving and data protection (my portion), as well as some products that can help you manager your data better (the InfoTel portion). 

On Wednesday, I will be presenting "How to Accelerate Db2 SQL Workloads... Without Db2!" for Log-On Software. This session takes a look at in-memory trends and issues, and shines a light on how QuickSelect can improve the performance of SQL queries.

I hope to see you at this year's IDUG North American conference the week of July 11, 2022. If you are there, come see one (or all) of my sessions... and be sure to say "Howdy!"

Friday, June 03, 2022

Time to Download the Db2 13 for z/OS Manuals!

Yesterday I posted a brief piece about the new version of Db2 for z/OS that is now generally available: Db2 13 for z/OS is Here! It is always an exciting time when a new version of Db2 for z/OS is unleashed on the world and one of the first things I recommend is to start reading the manuals to see what all is there!

I like having the PDF versions of the manuals on my hard drive, so with each new version, I start by downloading them! With that in mind, here is the link to the IBM page that hosts the PDF manuals for Db2 13 for z/OS

Of course, over time, this documentation will be modified. Therefore, it is a good idea to be aware that subsequent modifications may render the versions on your hard drive inaccurate. You can always replace them periodically if you wish... perhaps when you adopt a new function level make plans to downloads the latest iterations of the manuals. 

There is also a great, new redbook on Db2 13 for z/OS that you should download and read. It is titled IBM Db2 13 for z/OS and More, and it, along with the What's New manual, can serve as a nice introduction to this new version.

A new manual that I need to mention is the SQL Data Insights Users Guide. If you read my earlier post (Db2 13 for z/OS is Here!) then you know that SQL Data Insights is a new Db2 13 capability that combines AI/deep learning with Db2 for z/OS and IBM Z technologies to deliver SQL-based semantic queries on tables and views. It is probably one of the most exciting new things in this new version...

So if you work with Db2 for z/OS don't delay... download those new manuals and start learning what new wonders Db2 13 will offer up!

Thursday, June 02, 2022

Db2 13 for z/OS is Here!

Here we are, in June 2022, about 5 years or so since Db2 12 for z/OS was released. And lo' and behold, IBM has given us a new version of Db2 for z/OS to learn and adopt: Db2 13 for z/OS

The new version is generally available (as of May 31, 2022). If you were not paying close attention though, you may have missed it. Db2 13 was announced at the same time as the new mainframe (IBM z16), so it didn't get quite the same level of attention. But those of us who use Db2 for z/OS day in and day out will find a lot of great new stuff in this latest and greatest version of Db2.

I'm not going to go into great detail about the new features and functionality of Db2 13 for z/OS today, but I will offer a high-level overview. Look for future blog posts to dig into more of the nitty gritty tech details and capabilities.

The first thing to mention is that you will need to activate the last Db2 12 function level 510 (FL510) before you can migrate to Db2 13. As many organizations are lagging behind in terms of function level activation, it will be interesting to see how this requirement impacts migration to Db2 13.


So what can users expect from this new version? Well, it seems that the most talked-about features are related to adopting AI. Functions that deliver AI capabilities into Db2 will make it easier for organizations on the AI journey to integrate Db2 into their processes.

Perhaps the most significant AI addition to Db2 13 is the SQL Data Insights feature. Provided as an extension to Db2, SQL Data Insights is delivered using built-in functions to deliver AI capabilities like uncovering heretofore unknown relationships in your data. Since it uses built-in functions you can use it anywhere that you use SQL!

Db2 13 offers additional AI help delivering the ability to simplify building models, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and exploiting the speed of the IBM z16 for training and querying data.

IBM z16 Synergy

The next thing that has been highly-touted is that Db2 13 takes advantage of new capabilities delivered in the IBM z16 hardware.  The new Telum chip used by the z16 mainframe provides powerful AI capabilities that Db2 uses to bolster its AI capabilities (such as SQL Data Insights). And we have already touched on that in terms of speeding up training and querying data for AI.

Db2 for z/OS is unique in that it is the only major DBMS that is designed specifically for a single operating system (z/OS) and hardware platform (IBM Z). This enables IBM (the provider of the DBMS, O/S, and hardware) to take advantage of capabilities unique to the platform, because there is no worry about supporting other platforms.

One example of this unique synergy is the ability to improve sort performance using the SORTL instruction of the IBM Z15 and z16. Additionally, the IBM z16 System Recovery Boost can minimize downtime by speeding up the performance of Db2 for z/OS restart. 

But What About BAU?

OK, so there is new AI stuff and great synergy with the IBM Z, but what about the features and functionality that make it easier to keep up with Business As Usual (BUA)? You know, things like easier administration, better performance, and so on?

Good news! There are a plethora of great new capabilities and improvements in Db2 13 for z/OS. While I cannot adequately cover them in detail today, some examples include:

  • The ability to convert back-and-forth between partition-by-growth and partition-by-range Db2 table spaces. 
  • Support for more concurrent threads and open data sets, as well as improved storage conditions. 
  • DDF storage relief.
  • Real Time Statistics (RTS) improvements.
  • Many improvements to IBM Db2 utility functionality.
  • Security and compliance improvements, including integration to the IBM Z Security and Compliance Center.


The bottom line is that there is a new version of Db2 for z/OS that mainframe shops will need to learn and prepare for. As with any new Db2 version, it will be exciting to dig in and discover all of the new stuff that can help us do our jobs better... and improve our organization's efforts to use its data to improve business.

Keep checking back here as I will blog in more detail about the new capabilities of Db2 13 for z/OS over time...