Showing posts with label dirty read. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dirty read. Show all posts

Thursday, September 01, 2022

Know Your Isolation Levels to Develop Correct and Efficient Db2 Programs

Did you know that Db2 provides a method to change the way a program or SQL statement acquires locks? That way is known as the isolation level and it can be set to specify the locking behavior for a transaction or statement. Standard SQL defines four isolation levels that can be set using the SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL statement:

·        Serializable

·        Repeatable read

·        Read committed

·        Read uncommitted

The isolation level determines the mode of page or row locking implemented by the program as it runs.

Db2 supports a variation of the standard isolation levels. Db2 implements page and row locking at the program execution level, which means that all page or row locks are acquired as needed during the program run. Page and row locks are released as the program run depending on the isolation level.

In Db2 you can specify the following four isolation levels: cursor stability (CS), repeatable read (RR), read stability (RS), and uncommitted read (UR).

Using the ISOLATION parameter of the BIND command you can set the isolation level of a package or plan. You also can use the WITH parameter on a SELECT statement to set the isolation level of a single SQL statement.

Cursor stability is the Db2 implementation of the SQL standard read committed isolation level. CS is perhaps the most common DB2 isolation level in use in production applications because it offers a good tradeoff between data integrity and concurrency. When CS is specified the transaction will never read data that is not yet committed; only committed data can be read. Cursor stability is the current default isolation level if none is specified at BIND time.

A higher level of integrity is provided with repeatable read. Under an RR isolation level all page locks are held until they are released by a COMMIT (or ROLLBACK), whereas with CS read-only page locks are released as soon as another page is accessed.

An RR page locking strategy is useful when an application program requires consistency in rows that may be accessed twice in one execution of the program, or when an application program requires data integrity that cannot be achieved with CS.

For example, of a good reason to use RR page locking, consider a reporting program that scans a table to produce a detail report, and then scans it again to produce a summarized managerial report. If the program is bound using CS, the results of the first report might not match the results of the second.

Suppose that you are reporting the estimated completion dates for project activities. The first report lists every project and the estimated completion date. The second, managerial report lists only the projects with a completion date greater than one year.

The first report indicates that two activities are scheduled for more than one year. After the first report but before the second, however, an update occurs. A manager realizes that she underestimated the resources required for a project. She invokes a transaction to change the estimated completion date of one of her project's activities from 8 months to 14 months. The second report is produced by the same program, but reports 3 activities.

If the program used an RR isolation level rather than CS, an UPDATE that occurs after the production of the first report but before the second would not have been allowed. The program would have maintained the locks it held from the generation of the first report and the updater would be locked out until the locks were released.

How about another example? Consider a program that is looking for pertinent information about employees in the information center and software support departments who make more than $30,000 in base salary. In the DB2 sample tables department 'C01' is the information center and department 'E21' is software support.

The program opens a cursor based on the following SELECT statement:

            WORKDEPT, SALARY
    FROM    DSN8B10.EMP
    WHERE   WORKDEPT IN ('C01', 'E21')
    AND     SALARY > 30000;

The program then begins to FETCH employee rows. Assume further, as would probably be the case, that the statement uses the XEMP2 index on the WORKDEPT column. An update program that implements employee modifications is running concurrently. The program handles transfers by moving employees from one department to another, and implements raises by increasing the salary.

Assume that Sally Kwan, one of your employees, has just been transferred from the information center to software support. Assume further that another information center employee, Heather Nicholls, received a 10 percent raise. The update program running concurrently with the report program implements both of these modifications.

If the report program were bound with an isolation level of CS, the second program could move Sally from 'C01' to 'E21' after she was reported to be in department 'C01' but before the entire report was finished. Thus, she could be reported twice: once as an information center employee and again as a software support employee. Although this circumstance is rare, it can happen with programs that use cursor stability. If the program were bound instead with RR, this problem could not happen. The update program probably would not be allowed to run concurrently with a reporting program, however, because it would experience too many locking problems.

Now consider Heather's dilemma. The raise increases her salary 10 percent, from $28,420 to $31,262. Her salary now fits the parameters specified in the WHERE condition of the SQL statement. Will she be reported? It depends on whether the update occurs before or after the row has been retrieved by the index scan, which is clearly a tenuous situation. Once again, RR avoids this problem.

You might be wondering, "If CS has the potential to cause so many problems, why is it used so ubiquitously? Why not trade the performance and concurrency gain of CS for the integrity of RR?"

The answer is simple: the types of problems outlined are rare. The expense of using RR, however, can be substantial in terms of concurrency. So the tradeoff between the concurrency expense of RR and the efficiency of CS usually is not a sound one.

The third isolation level provided by DB2 is read stability (RS). Read stability is similar in functionality to the RR isolation level, but a little less. A retrieved row or page is locked until the end of the unit of work; no other program can modify the data until the unit of work is complete, but other processes can insert values that might be read by your application if it accesses the row a second time.

Consider using read stability over repeatable read only when your program can handle retrieving a different set of rows each time a cursor or singleton SELECT is issued. If using read stability, be sure your application is not dependent on having the same number of rows returned each time.

Finally, we come to the last, and most maligned isolation level, uncommitted read (UR). The UR isolation level provides read-through locks, also know as dirty read or read uncommitted. Using UR can help to overcome concurrency problems. When you're using an uncommitted read, an application program can read data that has been changed but is not yet committed.

UR can be a performance booster, too, because application programs bound using the UR isolation level will read data without taking locks. This way, the application program can read data contained in the table as it is being manipulated. Consider the following sequence of events:

1.   To change a specific value, at 9:00 a.m. a transaction containing the
      following SQL is executed:

WHERE  EMPNO = 10020;

The transaction is a long-running one and continues to execute without issuing a COMMIT.

2.   At 9:01 a.m., a second transaction attempts to SELECT the data that was
      changed, but not committed.

If the UR isolation level were used for the second transaction, it would read the changed data even though it had yet to be committed. Obviously, if the program doesn't need to wait to take a lock and merely reads the data in whatever state it happens to be at that moment, the program will execute faster than if it had to wait for locks to be taken and resources to be freed before processing.

The implications of reading uncommitted data, however, must be carefully examined before being implemented. Several types of problems can occur. Using the previous example, if the long-running transaction rolled back the UPDATE to EMPNO 10020, the program using dirty reads may have picked up the wrong name ("MICHELLE") because it was never committed to the database.

Inaccurate data values are not the only problems that can be caused by using UR. A dirty read can cause duplicate rows to be returned where none exist. Alternatively, a dirty read can cause no rows to be returned when one (or more) actually exists. Additionally, an ORDER BY clause does not guarantee that rows will be returned in order if the UR isolation level is used. Obviously, these problems must be taken into consideration before using the UR isolation level.

Keep in mind, too, that the UR isolation level applies to read-only operations: SELECT, SELECT INTO, and FETCH from a read-only result table. Any application plan or package bound with an isolation level of UR will use uncommitted read functionality for any read-only SQL. Operations contained in the same plan or package and are not read-only will use an isolation level of CS.

When is it appropriate to use UR isolation? The general rule of thumb is to avoid UR whenever the results must be 100 percent accurate. Following are examples of when this would be true:

  • Calculations that must balance are being performed on the selected data
  • Data is being retrieved from one source to insert to or update another
  • Production, mission-critical work is being performed that cannot contain or cause data integrity problems

In general, most production Db2 applications are not serious candidates for dirty reads. In a few specific situations, however, the dirty read capability will be of major benefit. Consider the following cases in which the UR isolation level could prove to be useful:

  • Access is required to a reference, code, or look-up table that basically is static in nature. Due to the non-volatile nature of the data, a dirty read would be no different than a normal read the majority of the time. In those cases when the code data is being modified, any application reading the data would incur minimum, if any, problems.
  • Statistical processing must be performed on a large amount of data. Your company, for example, might want to determine the average age of female employees within a certain pay range. The impact of an uncommitted read on an average of multiple rows will be minimal because a single value changed will not greatly impact the result.
  • Dirty reads can prove invaluable in a data warehousing environment that uses DB2 as the DBMS. A data warehouse is a time-sensitive, subject-oriented, store of business data that is used for online analytical processing. Other than periodic data propagation and/or replication, access to the data warehouse is read-only. Because the data is generally not changing, an uncommitted read is perfect in a read-only environment due to the fact that it can cause little damage. More data warehouse projects are being implemented in corporations worldwide and DB2 with dirty read capability is a very wise choice for data warehouse implementation.
  • In those rare cases when a table, or set of tables, is used by a single user only, UR can make a lot of sense. If only one individual can be modifying the data, the application programs can be coded such that all (or most) reads are done using UR isolation level, and the data will still be accurate.
  • Finally, if the data being accessed already is inconsistent, little harm can be done using a dirty read to access the information.

Although the dirty read capability can provide relief to concurrency problems and deliver faster performance in specific situations, it also can cause data integrity problems and inaccurate results. Be sure to understand the implications of the UR isolation level and the problems it can cause before diving headlong into implementing it in your production applications.


It is important for Db2 DBAs and application programmers to know the four isolation levels and their impact on SQL. Using the isolation levels is an effective way to control concurrency and locking for your Db2 applications.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Dirty Reads... Done Dirt Cheap

Let's talk about dirty reads (with apologies to the AC/DC pun in the title of this blog post).

Application programmers must understand how concurrency problems impact the access and modification of Db2 data. When one program attempts to read data that’s in the process of being changed by another, the DBMS must forbid access until the modification is complete to ensure data integrity. Most DBMS products, including Db2, use a locking mechanism for all data items being changed. Therefore, when one task is updating data on a page, another task can’t access data (i.e., read or update) on that same page until the data modification is complete and committed.

If you are interested, I wrote a 17-part series of blog post on Db2 locking back in 2013... that last part, found here, contains an index to all 17 posts. But back to today's topic... the dirty read.

Before discussing what a “dirty read” is, we should first talk a bit about transactions and the importance of ACID. With the advent of NoSQL database systems that do not always support ACID, it is important that developers and DBAs understand what ACID is and why it is important to the integrity of your data.

Transactions and ACID

A transaction is an atomic unit of work with respect to recovery and consistency. A logical transaction performs a complete business process typically on behalf of an online user. It may consist of several steps and may comprise more than one physical transaction. The results of running a transaction will record the effects of a business process—a complete business process. The data in the database must be correct and proper after the transaction executes.

When all the steps that make up a specific transaction have been accomplished, a COMMIT is issued. The COMMIT signals that all work since the last COMMIT is correct and should be externalized to the database. At any point within the transaction, the decision can be made to stop and roll back the effects of all changes since the last COMMIT. When a transaction is rolled back, the data in the database will be restored to the original state before the transaction was started. The DBMS maintains a transaction log (or journal) to track database changes.

In other words, transactions exhibit ACID properties. ACID is an acronym for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. Each of these four qualities is necessary for a transaction to be designed correctly.

  • ·        Atomicity means that a transaction must exhibit “all or nothing” behavior. Either all of the instructions within the transaction happen, or none of them happen. Atomicity preserves the “completeness” of the business process.
  • ·        Consistency refers to the state of the data both before and after the transaction is executed. A transaction maintains the consistency of the state of the data. In other words, after running a transaction, all data in the database is “correct.”
  • ·        Isolation means that transactions can run at the same time. Any transactions running in parallel have the illusion that there is no concurrency. In other words, it appears that the system is running only a single transaction at a time. No other concurrent transaction has visibility to the uncommitted database modifications made by any other transactions. To achieve isolation, a locking mechanism is required.
  • ·        Durability refers to the impact of an outage or failure on a running transaction. A durable transaction will not impact the state of data if the transaction ends abnormally. The data will survive any failures.

Let’s use an example to better understand the importance of transactions to database applications. Consider a banking application. Assume that you wish to withdraw $50 from your account with Mega Bank. This “business process” requires a transaction to be executed. You request the money either in person by handing a slip to a bank teller or by using an ATM (Automated Teller Machine). When the bank receives the request, it performs the following tasks, which make up the complete business process. The bank will:

  1. Check your account to make sure you have the necessary funds to withdraw the requested amount.
  2. If you do not, deny the request and stop; otherwise continue processing.
  3. Debit the requested amount from your checking account.
  4. Produce a receipt for the transaction.
  5. Deliver the requested amount and the receipt to you.

The transaction performing the withdrawal must complete all of these steps, or none of these steps, or else one of the parties in the transaction will be dissatisfied. If the bank debits your account but does not give you your money, then you will not be satisfied. If the bank gives you the money but does not debit the account, the bank will be unhappy. Only the completion of every one of these steps results in a “complete business process.” Database developers must understand the requisite business processes and design transactions that ensure ACID properties.

To summarize, a transaction—when executed alone, on a consistent database—will either complete, producing correct results, or terminate, with no effect. In either case the resulting condition of the database will be a consistent state.

Now Let’s Get Back to Dirty Reads

Programs that read Db2 data typically access numerous rows during their execution and are susceptible to concurrency problems. But when writing your application programs you can use read-through locks, also known as “dirty read” or “uncommitted read,” to help overcome concurrency problems. When using uncommitted reads, an application program can read data that has been changed, but not yet committed.

Dirty read capability is implemented using the UR isolation level (for uncommitted read). If the application program is using the UR isolation level, it will read data without taking locks. This lets the application program read data contained in the table as it’s being manipulated. Consider the following sequence of events:

1.     At 9 a.m., a transaction containing the following SQL to change a specific value is executed:

   WHERE  EMPNO = 10020;

2.     The transaction is long-running and continues to execute without issuing a COMMIT.
3.     At 9:01 a.m., a second transaction attempts to SELECT the data that was changed, but not committed.

If the UR isolation level was specified for the second transaction, it would read the changed data even though it had yet to be committed. Because the program simply reads the data in whatever state it happens to be at that moment, it can execute faster than if it had to wait for locks to be taken and resources to be freed before processing.

However, the implications of reading uncommitted data must be carefully examined before being implemented, as several problems can occur. A dirty read can cause duplicate rows to be returned where none exist. Alternately, a dirty read can cause no rows to be returned when one (or more) actually exists.

Some Practical Advice

So, when is it a good idea to implement dirty reads using the UR isolation level? If the data is read only, a dirty read is fine because there are no changes being made to the data. In "real life," though, true read only data is rare.

A general rule of thumb is to avoid dirty reads whenever the results of your queries must be 100 percent accurate. For example, avoid UR if calculations must balance, data is being retrieved from one source to modify another, or for any production, mission-critical work that can’t tolerate data integrity problems.

In other words: If my bank deployed dirty reads on its core banking applications I would definitely find myself another bank!

One of the more concerning things that I’ve witnessed as a Db2 consultant out “in the real world” is a tendency for dirty read to be used as a quick and dirty way to improve performance. By appending a WITH UR to a statement a developer can remove the overhead of locking and improve performance. But often this is done without a thorough investigation of the possible implications. Even worse, some organizations have implemented a standard that says SELECT statements should always be coded using WITH UR. That can wreak havoc on data integrity... and it goes against my core mantra - almost never say always or never.

Most Db2 applications aren’t viable candidates for dirty reads, but there are a few situations where dirty reads can be beneficial. Examples include access to a reference, code, or look-up table (where the data is non-volatile), statistical processing on large amounts of data, analytical queries in data warehousing and Business Intelligence (BI) applications, or when a table (or set of tables) is used by a single user only (which is rare). Additionally, if the data being accessed is already questionable, little harm can be done using a dirty read to access the information.

Because of the data integrity issues associated with dirty reads, DBAs should keep track of the programs that specify an isolation level of UR. This information can be found in the Db2 Catalog. The following two queries can be used to find the applications using uncommitted reads.

Issue the following SQL for a listing of plans that were bound with ISOLATION(UR) or contain at least one statement specifying the WITH UR clause:

         P.ISOLATION = ˈUˈ
        OR S.ISOLATION = ˈUˈ

Issue the following SQL for a listing of packages that were bound with ISOLATION(UR) or contain at least one statement specifying the WITH UR clause:

         P.LOCATION = ˈ ˈ        AND
         P.COLLID = S.COLLID     AND
         P.NAME = S.NAME         AND
         P.ISOLATION = ˈUˈ
        OR S.ISOLATION = ˈUˈ

The dirty read capability can provide relief to concurrency problems and deliver faster performance in specific situations. Understand the implications of the UR isolation level and the “problems” it can cause before diving headlong into implementing it in your production applications.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2 – Part 1: Locking

Today I am introducing a new series of blog posts here on misunderstood DB2 features and functions. But before I start this blog post I want to emphasize that this is just my opinion. I’m sure many of you have your own ideas of the DB2 features that are most misunderstood. But please, take a moment to consider my thoughts here… and then share your own in the comments section below!


One of the most misunderstood features of DB2 is how locking works. This is probably to be expected because database locking is a rather complex topic and it is constantly morphing with each and every new version of DB2.

First of all you have to understand the lock options available and how DB2 locks at each level: table space, table, page and row. You need to understand share and exclusive locks and that the manner in which DB2 takes them depends upon the SQL statements you issue, the program bind options you choose, and even, in some cases, the DDL options you’ve chosen.

And more. What about claims and drains? Do you know the different between locks and latches? What about the difference between lock suspension, timeouts, and deadlocks?

Then there is the whole issue of lock avoidance and what that means. I visit a lot of shops each year and I still see a lot of ambiguous cursors. Simply adding FOR READ ONLY to all of the cursors in your program where you will not be modifying the data can make a world of performance difference because DB2 can avoid locking.

There is also the frequently-ignored need for a commit strategy. Every batch program should have a commit strategy implemented whereby modifications are committed to the database and locks are released. Failing to do this causes other programs to timeout waiting for locks. I wrote about this in the past and I call it Bachelor Programming Syndrome.

Another locking issue is the whole dirty read everywhere problem. Programmers learn that they can improve performance by adding WITH UR to the end of their SQL statements in their programs. UR, Uncommitted Read – aka dirty read, causes DB2 to not take locks. But that can cause problems because the program is reading uncommitted data – and that data it is reading may never actually exist in the database (it could be rolled back) and may not be consistent because it is not reading only committed units of work. I’ve visited shops that use WITH UR everywhere and they insist that they have not encountered any problems. To which I always add, “…yet.”

Then there are the new features added in the last few releases of DB2, including improved lock efficiencies when accessing the DB2 Catalog, the ability to access currently committed data, optimistic locking, skipping locked data, and more.


Yes, it is easy to misunderstand locking, and many do so. Taking the time to bolster your knowledge of how DB2 locks, the locking options available, and how they work can do you and your shop a world of good.

And be sure to check back here for future blogs about misunderstood DB2 features!

Monday, July 06, 2009

The "Dirty" Read (AKA Uncommitted Read)

Anyone accustomed to application programming when access to a database is required understands the potential for concurrency problems. When one application program attempts to read data that is in the process of being changed by another, the DBMS must forbid access until the modification is complete in order to ensure data integrity. Most DBMS products, DB2 included, use a locking mechanism for all data items being changed. Therefore, when one task is updating data on a page, another task can not access data (read or update) on that same page until the data modification is complete and committed.

Programs that read DB2 data typically access numerous rows during their execution and are thus quite susceptible to concurrency problems. Since V4, DB2 has provided read-through locks, also know as “dirty read” or “uncommitted read,” to help overcome concurrency problems. When using an uncommitted reads an application program can read data that has been changed, but is not yet committed.

Dirty read capability is implemented using a new isolation level, UR, for uncommitted read. This adds to the current isolation levels of RR (repeatable read) and CS (cursor stability). If the application program is using the UR isolation level, it will read data without taking locks. This enables the application program to read data contained in the table as it is being manipulated.

Consider the following sequence of events:

(1) At 9:00 AM, the a transaction is executed containing the following SQL to change a specific value.

WHERE EMPNO = 10020;

The transaction is a long-running one and continues to execute without issuing a COMMIT.

(2) At 9:01 AM, a second transaction attempts to SELECT the data that was changed, but not committed.

If the UR isolation level were specified for the second transaction, it would read the changed data even though it had yet to be committed. Obviously, if the program need not wait to take a lock and merely reads the data in whatever state it happens to be at that moment, the program will execute faster than if it had to wait for locks to be taken and resources to be freed before processing.

However, the implications of reading uncommitted data must be carefully examined before being implemented. Several types of problems can occur. A dirty read can cause duplicate rows to be returned where none exist. Alternately, a dirty read can cause no rows to be returned when one (or more) actually exists. Additionally, an ORDER BY clause does not guarantee that rows will be returned in order if the UR isolation level is used. Obviously, these problems must be taken into consideration before using the UR isolation level.

UR Isolation Requirements

  • The UR isolation level applies to read-only operations: SELECT, SELECT INTO, and FETCH from a read-only result table.
  • Any application plan or package bound with an isolation level of UR will use uncommitted read functionality for any read-only SQL. Operations that are contained in the same plan or package and are not read-only will use an isolation level of CS.
  • The isolation level that is defined at the plan or package level during BIND or REBIND can be overridden as desired for each SQL statement in the program. The WITH clause can be used to specify the isolation level for any individual SQL statement. For example:


The WITH clause is used to allow an isolation level to be used on a statement-by-statement basis. The UR isolation level can be used only with read-only SQL statements. This includes read-only cursors and SELECT INTO statements.

Benefits and Drawbacks

So when is it a good idea to implement dirty reads using the UR isolation level? The general rule of thumb is to avoid dirty reads whenever the results must be 100 percent accurate. Examples of this would be when:
  • calculations that must balance are being performed on the selected data
  • data is being retrieved from one source to insert to or update another
  • production, mission-critical work is being performed that can not contain or cause data integrity problems
Truthfully, most DB2 applications are not usually candidates for dirty reads. However, there are a few specific situations in which the dirty read capability will be of major benefit. Consider the following cases in which the UR isolation level could prove to be useful:
  • Access is required to a reference, code, or look-up table that is basically static in nature. Due to the non-volatile nature of the data, a dirty read would be no different than a normal read the majority of the time. In those cases when the code data is being modified, any application reading the data would incur minimum, if any, problems.
  • Statistical processing must be performed on a large amount of data. For example, your company may wish to determine the average age of female employees within a certain pay range. The impact of an uncommitted read on an average of multiple rows will be minimal because a single value changed will not greatly impact the result.
  • Dirty read can prove invaluable in a data warehousing environment that uses DB2 as the DBMS. A data warehouse is a time sensitive, subject-oriented, store of business data that is used for on-line analytical processing. Other than periodic data propagation and/or replication, access to the data warehouse is read only. An uncommitted read can be perfect in a read only environment since it can cause little damage because the data is generally not changing. More and more data warehouse projects are being implemented in corporations worldwide and DB2 with dirty read capability may be a very wise choice for data warehouse implementation.
  • In those rare cases when a table, or set of tables, is used by a single user only, UR can make a lot of sense. If only one individual can be modifying the data, the application programs can be coded such that all (or most) reads are done using UR isolation level, and the data will still be accurate.
  • Finally, if the data being accessed is already inconsistent little harm can be done using a dirty read to access the information.

Because of the data integrity issues associated with dirty reads, it is a good idea for DBAs to keep track of the plans and packages that specify an isolation level of UR. This information can be found in the DB2 catalog. The following two queries can be used to find the applications using uncommitted reads.

Issue the following SQL for a listing of plans that were bound with ISOLATION(UR) or contain at least one statement specifying the WITH UR clause:


Issue the following SQL for a listing of packages that were bound with ISOLATION(UR) or contain at least one statement specifying the WITH UR clause:



The dirty read capability can provide relief to concurrency problems and deliver faster performance in very specific situations. Be certain to understand the implications of the UR isolation level and the “problems” it can cause before diving headlong into implementing it in your production applications.