Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Basics of Coding Db2 SQL for Performance

When it comes to assuring optimal performance of Db2 applications, coding properly formulated SQL is an imperative. Most experts agree that poorly coded SQL and application code is the cause of most performance problems – perhaps as high as 80% of poor relational performance is caused by “bad” SQL and application code.

But writing efficient SQL statements can be a tricky proposition. This is especially so for programmers and developers new to a relational database environment. So, before we delve into the specifics of coding SQL for performance, it is best that we take a few moments to review SQL basics.

SQL, an acronym for Structured Query Language, is a powerful tool for manipulating data. It is the de facto standard query language for relational database management systems and is used not just by Db2, but also by the other leading RDBMS products such as Oracle, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL Server.

SQL is a high-level language that provides a greater degree of abstraction than do procedural languages. Most programming languages require that the programmer navigate data structures. This means that program logic needs to be coded to proceed record-by-record through data elements in an order determined by the application programmer or systems analyst. This information is encoded in the program logic and is difficult to change after it has been programmed.

SQL, on the other hand, is fashioned so that the programmer can specify what data is needed, and not how to retrieve it. SQL is coded without embedded data-navigational instructions. Db2 analyzes the SQL and formulates data-navigational instructions "behind the scenes." These data-navigational instructions are called access paths. By having the DBMS determine the optimal access path to the data, a heavy burden is removed from the programmer. In addition, the database can have a better understanding of the state of the data it stores, and thereby can produce a more efficient and dynamic access path to the data. The result is that SQL, used properly, can provide for quicker application development.

Another feature of SQL is that it is not merely a query language. The same language used to query data is used also to define data structures, control access to the data, and insert, modify, and delete occurrences of the data. This consolidation of functions into a single language eases communication between different types of users. DBAs, systems programmers, application programmers, systems analysts, and end users all speak a common language: SQL. When all the participants in a project are speaking the same language, a synergy is created that can reduce overall system-development time.

Arguably, though, the single most important feature of SQL that has solidified its success is its capability to retrieve data easily using English-like syntax. It is much easier to understand the following than it is to understand pages and pages of program source code.


    FROM    EMP

    WHERE   EMPNO = '000010';

Think about it; when accessing data from a file the programmer would have to code instructions to open the file, start a loop, read a record, check to see if the EMPNO field equals the proper value, check for end of file, go back to the beginning of the loop, and so on.

SQL is, by nature, quite flexible. It uses a free-form structure that gives the user the ability to develop SQL statements in a way best suited to the given user. Each SQL request is parsed by the DBMS before execution to check for proper syntax and to optimize the request. Therefore, SQL statements do not need to start in any given column and can be strung together on one line or broken apart on several lines. For example, the following SQL statement is equivalent to the previously listed SQL statement:


Another flexible feature of SQL is that a single request can be formulated in a number of different and functionally equivalent ways. One example of this SQL capability is that it can join tables or nest queries. A nested query always can be converted to an equivalent join. Other examples of this flexibility can be seen in the vast array of functions and predicates. Examples of features with equivalent functionality are:

·       BETWEEN versus <= / >=

·       IN versus a series of predicates tied together with AND

·       INNER JOIN versus tables strung together in the FROM clause separated by commas

·       OUTER JOIN versus a simple SELECT, with a UNION, and a correlated subselect

·       CASE expressions versus UNION ALL statements

This flexibility exhibited by SQL is not always desirable as different but equivalent SQL formulations can result in extremely differing performance. The ramifications of this flexibility are discussed later in this paper with guidelines for developing efficient SQL.

As mentioned, SQL specifies what data to retrieve or manipulate, but does not specify how you accomplish these tasks. This keeps SQL intrinsically simple. If you can remember the set-at-a-time orientation of a relational database, you will begin to grasp the essence and nature of SQL. A single SQL statement can act upon multiple rows. The capability to act on a set of data coupled with the lack of need for establishing how to retrieve and manipulate data defines SQL as a non-procedural language.

Because SQL is a non-procedural language a single statement can take the place of a series of procedures. Again, this is possible because SQL uses set-level processing and DB2 optimizes the query to determine the data-navigation logic. Sometimes one or two SQL statements can accomplish tasks that otherwise would require entire procedural programs to do.

High-Level SQL Coding Guidelines

When you are writing your SQL statements to access Db2 data be sure to follow the subsequent guidelines for coding SQL for performance. These are certain very simple, yet important rules to follow when writing your SQL statements. Of course, SQL performance is a complex topic and to understand every nuance of how SQL performs can take a lifetime. That said, adhering to the following simple rules puts you on the right track to achieving high-performing Db2 applications.

1)     The first rule is to always provide only the exact columns that you need to retrieve in the SELECT-list of each SQL SELECT statement. Another way of stating this is “do not use SELECT *”. The shorthand SELECT * means retrieve all columns from the table(s) being accessed. This is fine for quick and dirty queries but is bad practice for inclusion in application programs because:

·       Db2 tables may need to be changed in the future to include additional columns. SELECT * will retrieve those new columns, too, and your program may not be capable of handling the additional data without requiring time-consuming changes.

·       Db2 will consume additional resources for every column that requested to be returned. If the program does not need the data, it should not ask for it. Even if the program needs every column, it is better to explicitly ask for each column by name in the SQL statement for clarity and to avoid the previous pitfall.

2)     Do not ask for what you already know. This may sound simplistic, but most programmers violate this rule at one time or another. For a typical example, consider what is wrong with the following SQL statement:


    FROM    EMP

    WHERE   EMPNO = '000010';


Give up? The problem is that EMPNO is included in the SELECT-list. You already know that EMPNO will be equal to the value '000010' because that is what the WHERE clause tells DB2 to do. But with EMPNO listed in the WHERE clause Db2 will dutifully retrieve that column too. This causes additional overhead to be incurred thereby degrading performance.

3)     Use the WHERE clause to filter data in the SQL instead of bringing it all into your program to filter. This too is a common rookie mistake. It is much better for Db2 to filter the data before returning it to your program. This is so because Db2 uses additional I/O and CPU resources to obtain each row of data. The fewer rows passed to your program, the more efficient your SQL will be. So, the following SQL


    FROM    EMP

    WHERE   SALARY > 50000.00;

Is better than simply reading all of the data without the WHERE clause and then checking each row to see if the SALARY is greater than 50000.00 in your program.

These rules, though, are not the be-all, end-all of SQL performance tuning – not by a long shot. Additional, in-depth tuning may be required. But following the above rules will ensure that you are not making “rookie” mistakes that can kill application performance. 

In Closing

This short blog post is just the very beginning of SQL performance for Db2 programmers. Indeed, I wrote a book on the topic called A Guide to Db2 Performance for Application Developers, so check that out if this post has whetted your appetite for more Db2 performance tips... and if you are a more visual learner, I have also partnered with Interskill Learning for a series of videos in their Expert Video series on the topic of Coding Db2 Applications for Performance. So, why wait, dig in to a book, some videos, or both, to help improve the performance of your Db2 applications!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Intelligent Automation of Db2 Administration and Management

It is vitally important to ensure that your Db2 databases and systems are running effectively and efficiently. And this requires the diligent application of administration and management tasks on a regular basis. Failure to keep up with the status of your Db2 databases can result in poorly performing applications, unavailable data and systems, and ultimately, lost revenue.

Automation can help. But what do we mean by automation? Sure, most of you inherently know what automation is, at least at a high level. But it is worthwhile to consider a brief definition. Automation involves reducing human involvement in your activities, turning things over to intelligent software. The goal is to reduce the amount of time, effort, and human error involved in maintaining efficient systems. That sounds good, right?

Nevertheless, many IT professionals have an aversion to automation. We are happy to automate everyone else’s job but not our own. As experts on technology, you’d think we’d be able to see the fallacy of this belief. By developing computerized applications to support business processes, we automate just about every job in our organizations. But try to tell a DBA to automate their utilities or to use advanced autonomics to direct their actions and you’d think you just insulted their mother. Many technology folks resist automation for fear of losing control or perhaps, losing their job. These fears are understandable, but not really justifiable.

There is an IT skills shortage and companies want to hire more IT professionals than are available. And we are over-worked – who among us really wants to work 12-hour days all the time? And in the mainframe world, the workforce is aging and we need to do something as the experienced folks retire and move on.

The truth is, most IT tasks and procedures can be streamlined and made more efficient using automation: automated systems management, database administration and tuning, and yes, even application development. Automation will not be able to completely replace IT professionals any time soon, but it is important as organizations struggle to cope with a shortage of skilled IT professionals. By turning some of the work over to the computer, IT can become more efficient, more effective, and provide a higher ROI to the business.

One of the biggest challenges IT professionals in general, and DBAs in particular, face is the growing complexity of technology and software. Contributing to this complexity is the growing number of devices, the increasing number of systems that interoperate with one another, and the growing number of parameters and options available in systems software and utilities.


A Day in the Life of a DBA

To help us understand the growing complexity and need for automation, let’s examine a typical day in the life of a Db2 DBA. It can be quite hectic. The DBA is required to maintain production and test environments while at the same time keeping an eye on active application development projects, attending strategy and design meetings, helping to select and evaluate new products, and connecting legacy systems to the web. And Joe in Accounting, he just submitted that “query from hell” again that is bringing the system to a halt, can you do something about that? All these things can occur within a single DBA workday.

Databases are at the center of modern applications. If Db2 fails, applications fail, and if applications fail the entire business can come to a halt. If databases and applications fail often enough, the entire business can fail. Database administration therefore is critical to the on-going success of modern business.

So, growing complexity and overwhelmed DBAs contribute to the need to automate. Automation can optimize management and reduce complexity by instrumenting and running tasks based on tried-and-true best practices.

Automating Db2 Utilities

Db2 utilities are a prime candidate for automation because they need to be run regularly and there are industry best practices and statistics that can be used to automate them. Not to mention the fact that the complexity of Db2 utilities is increasing all the time. Just compare the number of parameters and options available today for Db2 13 for z/OS versus what was available in the past.

For example, do you understand how to run your utilities online, while data is accessible to your applications? Do you use parallel index build with the LOAD, REORG and REBUILD INDEX utilities? Have you ever loaded partitions in parallel? How about using the LISTDEF, TEMPLATE, and OPTIONS statements for controlling utility operations? And these are only a few of the innovations made to IBM’s Db2 utilities over the years. Indeed, the list of improvements made to IBM utilities in Db2 13 for z/OS is challenging, and some DBAs have not really implemented any new utility functionality in years.

Truly, automating utilities is a best practice, but many shops do not adhere to this best practice. Instead, they just create utility jobs for every object and schedule them to run regularly. This set-it-and-forget-it mentality means that most utility jobs get built when the object is created and then rarely examined ever again. The decision on how frequently the jobs will be run is made up-front and never re-examined, unless there are performance, availability, or recovery problems.

If you fall into this category of utility scheduler, how frequently do you schedule your REORG, RUNSTATS, and COPY jobs to run. Weekly, monthly, quarterly? There is not usually a lot of thought put into the frequency of execution. And even if you meticulously analyze your scheduling decision when the object is created, are you sure that decision is still sound now, perhaps many years later? Few DBAs re-assess the situation over time to see if their initial scheduling decisions were accurate or still stand.

At any rate, automating utilities based on thresholds is a better practice. Automation can ensure that you are running your REORG, RUNSTATS, and COPY utilities when it makes sense, instead of on a rigid schedule. If you run these utilities too late, you risk recoverability and availability issues, as well as increased cost due to poor performance and increased CPU usage. And if you run the utilities too soon, you are consuming CPU and I/O that you do not need to run, and that, too, increases costs.

The goal is to run your Db2 utilities at just the right time. And that can be done using Db2 statistics. Of course, each utility needs to examine different real-time statistics to run them at the proper time. You should consider a tool, such as InfoTel Corp’s iDBA, which can help you to implement intelligent DBA automation. Such a solution can consider all the pertinent parameters and statistics and determine what the appropriate maintenance tasks and utilities that need to be run based on your environment and situation… and not a schedule from long ago.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Who's Going to Charlotte for IDUG 2024?

Spring is in the air and as a Db2 professional you know that can mean only one thing: the North American IDUG Db2 Tech Conference will soon be upon us! 

This year IDUG is back in Charlotte (like it was back in 2019). Ahhh, the pre-CovID days! Nevertheless, I am looking forward to an exciting week of learning more about my favorite DBMS and mingling with others Db2 users and fans!

This year, the event runs from Sunday June 23rd thru Thursday June 27th and it will be held at Le Meridien Hotel. But what can you expect if you attend? Well, there will be a tremendous number of educational opportunities at the IDUG Db2 Tech Conference. IBMers, vendor experts, users, IBM Champions, and IBM Gold consultants from all over the world converge in one location and share their experiences. So you know there will be numerous informative technical sessions on all the latest and greatest Db2 technologies, features, and related products. And you can view the grid with all of this year's presentations here.

Additionally, you can earn Db2 for z/OS and Db2 for LUW certification and badges at no additional cost. Every attendee can take one exam at no addtional cost! Not to mention the Expo Hall with all your favorite Db2 product vendors, pre- and post- conference workshops, Special Interest Groups, expert panels, evening receptions, and fun evening events sponsored by Broadcom and IBM.

If you’ve ever attended an IDUG conference in the past then you know why I’m excited. If you haven't attended before, I'm sure you'll find a lot to occupy your interest!

And be sure to seek me out and say "Howdy!" I'll be giving two presentations this year.

First up, on Monday June 24th I'll be delivering a presentation based on some of the things that I've encountered as an independent consultant. Titled Oh, The Things I've Seen: Db2 Stories and Best Practices, I'll talk about things like RUNSTATS, RID failures, and more in a Dr. Seuss-like way. You won't want to miss that, will you? 

Later I will be co-presenting a vendor-sponsored presentation with InfoTel on the topic of Data Governance for DBAs. In it, we will address the difference between governance and administration, as well as some of the biggest issues facing data governance these days. And, of course, how these things impact DBAs. InfoTel will also show how their technology can aid the process!

I will also be spending some time in the InfoTel booth so you can always stop by there to say hello or ask me a question!

So I hope to see you in Charlotte for a great week of education and camaraderie at this year's premier event for Db2 professionals, the IDUG Db2 Tech Conference. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Mixing Db2 Database Administration with DevOps - Summary

Recently, I posted a series of blog entries on DevOps and Db2 DBA here on the Db2 Portal blog site. The posts dealt with the many issues and considerations that need to be addressed as mature Db2 shops embrace DevOps practices and procedures.

This post is a short one that collects together links to all 7 of the posts in this series. You can use this post to review all of the posts in this series on DevOps Db2 DBA...

Part 1: Intro to DevOps

Part 2: The DevOps Toolchain

Part 3: Automating the DevOps Toolchain

Part 4: Database Schema Change and DevOps

Part 5: SQL Performance Testing

Part 6: Treat Dev and Ops as Equals

Part 7: Culture and The Bottom Line

I hope that you find the information in these posts to be informative and useful. And please, feel free to add your observations, thoughts, and experiences to the comments in this post (or any of the 7 DevOps posts linked above).

Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Mixing Db2 Database Administration with DevOps - Part 7: Culture and The Bottom Line

When DevOps is embraced by an organization it should mean that DBAs get aligned more closely with development and appli­cations than in the past. By deploying agile development, with DBAs participating in teams along with the developers, you get increased cooperation and communication between the folks coding the application (that’s Dev) and the folks developing and managing the database (that’s Ops, or the DBAs).

So an overarching change required to succeed with DevOps is that DBAs should be work­ing in teams with developers, instead of in teams of other DBAs... at least for periods of time when development projects are very active. For some applications, a permanent DBA, or team of DBAs, may be assigned. For others, the DBA may rotate back and forth between the development team and a centralized DBA team.

Regardless of the pattern, DBAs are becoming more appli­cation-savvy. That’s a good thing because with improved appli­cation knowledge the DBA will be better able to administer the database for an application’s needs as the app moves from devel­opment to test to production.

The Bottom Line

Db2 for z/OS administration and management techniques need to adapt to the modern practices of agile application development and DevOps. But this is easier said than done.

It includes adapting the behavior of both developers and operations to be more collaborative between developers and operations (DBA) personnel. It also requires automating as much of the software development lifecycle as possible into a DevOps toolchain to reduce development time and deliver a better return on investment to application development and support.