Monday, April 04, 2016

The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2 – Part 7: It Depends!

"It depends" is probably the most famous phrase out there when it comes to DB2 performance. Some call it the cardinal rule. You can answer just about any question that anybody asks at any time with it. Try it out. It depends! Always works... that is, it always works if you are trying to avoid answering the question!

Most DBAs and SQL experts resist giving a straight or simple answer to a general question because there is no simple and standard implementation that exists. Every situation is different, and every organization is unique in some way. So answering "it depends" to most questions can make a lot of sense. But "it depends" should never be the end of the answser!

Don’t be discouraged when you ask the local expert which statement will perform better, and the answer is “It depends.” The expert is just doing his or her job. The secret to optimizing DB2 performance is being able to answer the follow-up question to “It depends”—and that is “What does it depend on?

The key to effective SQL performance tuning is to document each SQL change along with the reason for the change. Follow up by monitoring the effectiveness of every change to your SQL statements before moving them into a production environment. Over time, trends will emerge that will help to clarify which types of SQL formulations perform best.

So the misunderstanding in this case is thinking that "it depends" is a complete answer to any type of question. It isn't... it is just the beginning of most answers. But it takes time, experience, and study to be able to answer what it depends upon. And that is why you might not get that answer unless you press for it... and attempt to find the answer yourself without just leaning on others for the answer all the time.

There is a corollary to the “It depends” rule that also is important. Hard and fast rules that rigidly enforce or forbid usage are not a good idea. In other words, this corollary is simply stated: “Almost never say always or never.” Notice that even the wording of this corollary embraces flexibility. 

So be flexible, but embrace answers that help... because "it depends" helps nobody unless you tell them what it depends upon! 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Digital Transformation and DB2 for z/OS: It’s Not Your Daddy’s DB2!

If you are a DBA who has been using DB2 for z/OS for a while you should have noticed that we are not doing things the same way we used to. DB2 is changing and we should be changing with it. If you are still using DB2 the same way you did 10 or 20 years ago, then you are definitely not adhering to industry best practices!
The same trends that are driving the digital explosion are also changing DB2 and the traditional role of the DBA. We are storing more data and different types of data for longer periods of time and in different ways than we have in the past.
And DB2 for z/OS keeps changing to adopt and embrace modern data management requirements and techniques. Whether it is modernizing storage with universal table spaces, embracing unstructured data in LOBs, or expanding the SQL language with new and more functionality, today’s DB2 looks a lot different than it did yesterday. Indeed, it is different – it is not your daddy’s DB2.
I’ve been writing a series of blog posts for BMC about this topic under the title It’s Not Your Daddy’s DB2!  You can find the first three blog posts in this series here: 1 2 3
But you can also attend a live webinar that BMC is sponsoring where I will talk about these issues. You can learn about:
·        Trends that influence the size and complexity of your DB2 environment and how this impacts data management
·        How to adapt to new DB2 data types and structures
·        Best practices and technologies for managing DB2 in the digital age
·        And BMC will share its next generation technology for managing the new world of DB2 for z/OS.

Learn how digital transformation will change the way your DBAs manage critical business needs. Attend this webinar on March 30, 2016, at 12:00 pm CT.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2 – Part 6: Not Indexing

Welcome to our on-going series of misunderstood issues in the world of DB2 for z/OS. Today’s topic is indexing, or to be more precise: not indexing. What do I mean by that?

Well, I’ve heard folks say that you should always create at least one index on every DB2 table. And while I can empathize with that general notion, I can’t agree completely because of that word “always,” which almost always makes a sentence wrong.

Sure, there are several good arguments for creating indexes on DB2 tables. Perhaps the most important one is clustering. DB2 uses an index to control how data is clustered on disk. Only one index can be specified as the clustering index (because, of course, the data on disk can only be stored in one order, right!). If you do not specify a clustering index then DB2 will use the earliest created (oldest) index to cluster the data. So it is usually a good idea to create an index to guide clustering.

Another popular reason to create an index on a DB2 table is to enforce uniqueness for a UNIQUE constraint or PRIMARY KEY. The only way to enforce uniqueness on a DB2 column (or set of columns) is by using a unique index.

Of course, there are a lot of other good reasons to create indexes, most of them to improve query performance. But I contend that there are situations when it makes sense not to create any indexes at all.

So when does it make more sense not to build an index for a DB2 table?

Let's start by saying that most of the time you will want to build at least one - and probably multiple - indexes on each table that you create. Indexes are crucial for optimizing performance of SQL access. Without an index, queries must scan every row of the table to come up with a result. And that can be very slow.

Having said that, here are a few situations some times where it can make sense to have no indexes defined on a table:

When all (or most) accesses retrieve every row of the table. Because every row will be retrieved every time you want to use the table, an index (if used) would just add extra I/O and would diminish, not enhance performance. Though not extremely common, you may indeed come across such tables in your organization.
For a very small table with only a few pages of data and no primary key or uniqueness requirements. A very small table (perhaps 20 to 30 or so pages) might not need an index because simply reading all of the pages is very efficient already.
When performance doesn't matter and the table is only accessed very infrequently. But, hey, when do you ever have that type of requirement in the real world?

Other than for these circumstances, you will most likely want to build one or more indexes on each table, not only to optimize performance, but also to ensure uniqueness, to support referential integrity, and to drive data clustering.

Of course, indexes do not come without cost. Indexes take up disk space and adding a lot of indexes will consume disk space. An additional consideration is their impact in data modification. Although indexes speed up queries they degrade inserts and deletes, as well as any modification to indexed columns.

What do you think? Are there other situations where a table should have no indexes? Are there any pertinent high-level issues I missed? Feel free to add your thoughts and comments below!

Friday, March 04, 2016

The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2 – Part 5: Choosing the Clustering Key

Hello everybody, and welcome to part 5 in my on-going series where we take a look at The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2. You can find the earlier installments in this series here (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4).

Today’s topic, on choosing an appropriate clustering index, might be a bit confusing to some of you. So let’s start at the beginning and describe what clustering is.

What is Clustering?

In DB2 for z/OS, you use an index to indicate how DB2 should try to store table space data physically on disk. This is called clustering. A DB2 index is a clustering index if the CLUSTER keyword is specified when the index is created. Clustering causes inserted rows to be stored contiguously in sequence whenever possible. Additionally, when the table space is reorganized the data will be sequenced according to the clustering index. Since there can only be one physical sequence for data on disk, there can only be one clustering index per table.

For tables that do not specify APPEND YES and do not have hashing defined, if you do not specify a clustering index, DB2 chooses to cluster the data using the oldest existing index. Therefore, it is wise to explicitly specify a clustering index instead of letting DB2 decide because you can almost always choose better than the (basically random) choice DB2 makes.

Clustering of data is important because when the data is sequentially accessed, if the data exists on the same page (or range of pages) then I/O is minimized because fewer pages are read than if the data were spread throughout the entire table space on “random” pages. And fewer I/Os means improved performance.

So then, how should a DBA go about deciding how to cluster the data? Well, the best answer is to analyze the various ways in which the data is to be accessed. This means reviewing the actual SQL along with frequency and importance of the execution patterns. When the most important/frequently executed sequential accesses are identified, then you can choose to cluster the data according to that information. By following this approach then the most frequent and/or important sequential accesses will be optimized by clustering.

Of course, frequently the decision on how to cluster is made during the database design phase when few, if any, SQL statements or access patterns are readily available. So the DBA sometimes makes a knee-jerk decision to just cluster based on the primary key (PK) and be done with it. This is usually not a good idea.

Why is Clustering by PK not a very good idea?

Think about what we just said about sequentially accessing data. How often is data sequentially accessed by PK? Sometimes this might be the case, maybe if you are producing a report in order by PK, but even that example is not a very good one. Think about it. If you are producing a customer report you probably do not create it in CUSTNO order but probably in order by customer name (or something more interesting to humans than a key number).

So the best option is to figure out the most common and important sequential access patterns and cluster accordingly. But what if this information is not available? My assertion is that clustering by Foreign Key (FK), instead of by PK, makes a lot more sense. Usually a FK is on the many side of a one-to-many relationship. Think about what that means. When you join PK to FK there will be one PK row being joined to multiple FK rows. If those multiple FK rows are all on the same page (or on contiguous pages) due to clustering, then we can impact I/O.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line here is that you should think about (and even re-think) your general assumptions and why you make any database design decision. Sometimes your immediate gut reaction won’t be the right one. And it is always better to think with our heads instead of our guts, right?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2 – Part 4: Base Table Views

Welcome to my continuing series focusing on The Most Misunderstood Features of DB2. Today’s topic is an oldie but a goodie: base table views.

What is a Base Table View?
I am going to assume that regular readers of this blog know what a view is (if not, go here). So what is a base table view? It is a view that contains all of the columns and all of the rows of the base table and nothing else. In other words, it is like a SELECT * against the base table with no WHERE clauses.

Now why would somebody create such a beast? This gets to the heart of the misunderstanding here. There is a continuing notion “out there” that it is a good idea to create a base table view for every table and to give programmers access to the base table view only, not the base table itself.

The reason given for doing so is to insulate programs from change. But this is a weak argument at best. I admit that this particular misunderstanding is less prevalent than it was in the earlier years of DB2. But I do still find shops adhering to this archaic, and poorly founded, idea.

Reasons Given for Base Table Views
One reason given by base table view proponents is that when you add a column to a table you do not have to change the program. But this is the case, too, if you code your programs appropriately, avoiding SELECT * and coding only the specific columns you need to access. Most shops do this even when using base table views.

Other reasons given revolve around removing columns or splitting tables. If you are interested in all of the reasons and rebuttals I urge you to read my article (PDF) on this topic from 1991 titled One View Per Base Table? Don’tDo It! (Wow! This is a quarter of a Century old now!)

Another View Fallacy
I recall yet another misunderstanding about views from many years ago that I have not heard in a long time. Basically, the argument was that accessing a base table view would out-perform accessing the base table.

This was never proven to me – and I do not believe it was ever true. How could it be? Static SQL against a base table view would use view merge so it would be the same as going against the base table. And dynamic SQL would have the added step of having to resolve the view to the base table. Sooo…


Base table views are not worth the time and effort because the bring no added value of any type whatsoever. Do not use them.