Showing posts with label DB2 Developer's Guide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DB2 Developer's Guide. Show all posts

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Wizard of Userville and the DB2 Developer's Guide

Once upon a time there was a kingdom called Userville. The people in the kingdom were impatient and wanted to know everything about everything—they could never get enough information. Life was difficult and the people were unhappy because data was often lost, and even when it was available, it was often inaccurate and not easy to access.
The King decided to purchase DB2, an advanced tool for storing and retrieving data. With DB2 the Users could process their data and turn it into information. “This,” he thought, “should keep the people happy. DB2 will solve all my problems.” But he soon found out that special knowledge was necessary to make DB2 work its wonders. Nobody in Userville knew how to use it properly.

Luckily, a grand Wizard living in a nearby kingdom knew many mystical secrets for retrieving data. These secrets were a form of magic called SQL. The King of Userville summoned the Wizard, offering him many great treasures if only he would help the poor Users in Userville.

The Wizard soon arrived, determined to please. Armed with nothing more than SQL and a smile, the Wizard strode to the terminal and uttered the magic words:

    FROM   DSN81010.DEPT  D,
           DSN81010.EMP   E

A crowd gathered and applauded as the desired information began pumping out of the terminal. “More, more,” shouted the data-starved masses. The Wizard gazed into the screen, and with amazing speed effortlessly produced report after report. The King was overheard to say, “You know, this is just too good to be true!” Everybody was happy. The Users had their share of information, the King had a peaceful kingdom, and the Wizard had his treasures and the respect of the Users.

For many months, the Users were satisfied with the magic of the great Wizard. Then, one day, the Wizard disappeared…in a jet to the West Coast for 150 grand a year—and a bunch of stock options. The people of the kingdom began to worry. “How will we survive without the magic of the Wizard? Will we have to live, once again, without our precious information?” The Wizard’s apprentice tried to silence the crowd by using his magic, but it wasn’t the same. The information was still there, but it wasn’t coming fast enough or as effortlessly. The apprentice was not yet as skilled as the great Wizard who had abandoned the kingdom. But, as luck would have it, one day he stumbled upon the great Wizard’s diary. He quickly absorbed every page and soon was invoking the Wizard’s magic words. And all was well again.

Well, life is not always that simple. Departing Wizards do not often leave behind documentation of their secrets. But...

Many of you who have purchased my book, DB2 Developer's Guide, will recognize the story recounted above because it starts the book off in Chapter 1. The idea being that the rest of the book is the Wizard's guide to DB2 for z/OS... 

If you use DB2 for z/OS for a living and you have never read DB2 Developer's Guide, maybe it is time to treat yourself to an early present for the holidays? The book comprises more than 1500 pages of in-depth DB2 knowledge and information. Over the course of 46 chapters DB2 Developer's Guide covers:
  • SQL Techniques, Tips, and Tricks
  • DB2 Application Development
  • DB2 In-Depth (an under the covers look)
  • DB2 Perfromance Monitoring
  • DB2 Utilities and Commands
  • DB2 Tools and Organizational Issues
  • Distributed DB2
  • and much, much more

The book has been in print for more than 20 years now and has been published in 6 different editions over that span. The current edition is the 6th edition published by IBM Press.

So continue and take the next step toward becoming a DB2 Wizard by getting your own copy today!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Database Basics for Beginners

Every now and then I get e-mail from readers of my blogs asking introductory/beginner questions about databases and DBMS. I cannot take the time to answer all of these e-mails in-depth, so I thought I blog a quick post with some good resources for folks.

I think a good place to start is an article I wrote several years ago now titled What is a Database? This article breaks down the benefits of a database, outlines the difference between a database and a DBMS, and provides some guidance for further reading (suggested books).

Other questions I am get asked frequently involve database administration. One is: What Does a DBA Do? Follow the link to find my answer to that question. Another is: how can I become a DBA? I wrote an article titled How to Become a DBA to answer that one. And finally, another frequent topic is: How many DBAs do I need? That is a tricky one, but I propose a framework to help answer that question in an article titled DBA Staffing Considerations.

I also get a lot of DB2 for z/OS questions. And I've written a book on that topic, plus a bunch of DB2 articles, too (all of which can be found here).

So I guess what I am saying here is to take a look at what is already "out there" to see if your questions can be answered on the web. But, please, keep the questions coming. If I do not answer your e-mail do not be discouraged. I do read most of them (unless it gets caught in my spam collector). Even if I do not have the time to respond, I keep track of what is asked and use it as input into my writing process... so you may see an answer pop up online in a blog, article, or column I write... eventually.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Top Ten Most Common DB2 Performance Problems

  1. PEBCAK 

    The number one cause of DB2 performance problems today, as always, is Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard!
  2. Poorly coded SQL

    Many performance problems can be traced back to inappropriately coded SQL Code it correctly from the beginning and tune what is already out there.
  3. Improper indexing

    Optimize performance via indexing by workload, not by object.  
  4. Bad program design

    Coding DB2 SQL for Performance in your application programs from the outset can eliminate many future problems.


  5. Bachelor programming syndrome

    Yes, the dreaded "Fear of Committing" can cause performance problems due to concurrency issues.
  6. Improperly defined buffer pools

    Defining effective buffer pools for your DB2 workload is important. There are many things you can do to identify the proper settings and sizing of your DB2 buffer pools.
  7. Index / table space needs to be reorganized

    Reorganization of indexes and table spaces can improve performance. Follow the Five R's to assure optimal DB2 application performance.
  8. Improperly designed database structures

    Designing database structures correctly -- from the beginning -- is the way to go for efficiency and efficacy.
  9. Copied code syndrome

  10. RUNSTATS not up-to-date (or not even run)

    How can you expect for the DB2 Optimizer to do its thing on your SQL without statistics about your data and environment? Again, The Five R's!

And if a Top Ten list does not provide enough detail for you, then splurge for a copy of my book: DB2 Developer's Guide, 6th edition. Recently updated for DB2 10 for z/OS, the book delivers over 1600 pages full of DB2 tips, tricks, guidelines, and details...  It rates 5 stars on Amazon!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

DB2 Developer's Guide, 6th edition

I know a lot of my readers are waiting on the updated edition of my book, DB2 Developer's Guide. This short blog post is to let you know that the wait is almost over. The book will be published early next year and is available to be pre-ordered on amazon com.

The book has been completely updated and is now up-to-date with DB2 10 for z/OS. Just think of the things that have been added to DB2 since the last time the book was updated: Universal table spaces, pureXML, SECADM, hashes, new data types, INSTEAD OF triggers, temporal support, and much, much more.

Consider pre-ordering a copy today so you'll get it as soon as it comes off the presses!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

DB2 Symposium 2011 – Round Two

Today's blog post is about the DB2 Symposium, a three day training event with one day seminars presented by well-known DB2 consultants. I was fortunate enough to be asked to participate this year by the primary organizer of the event, Klaas Brant. (Klaas is a respected DB2 consultant based in the Netherlands.). Earlier this year, the DB2 Symposium event was held in Dallas, TX and was well-received by attendees. So a second round is planned, this time in Chicago, IL!

What is the difference between DB2 Symposium and events like IDUG and IOD? Well, DB2 Symposium fills the gap between a conference and a multi-day training course. The DB2 Symposium is unique because you can participate for 1, 2, or 3 days, depending on your needs and budget.

Round two of the USA DB2 Symposium is happening soon, so you'll need to act fast if you want to participate. It occurs September 21-23, 2011 in the Chicago, Illinois area. More precisely, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Downers Grove, IL (in the Western suburbs of Chicago). Each day the training sessions start at 9.00am and end at around 5.00pm.

But registration on site is not possible, you must pre-register online... so plan ahead!

My session is on September 23rd and it is called DB2 Developer's Guide Comes Alive! This one day session, covers tips, techniques, and procedures you need to know in order to excel at administering and using DB2 on the mainframe. The material is based upon DB2 Developer's Guide, the best-selling DB2 for z/OS book on the market. Additionally, the course material will contain references to sections of the book for students to find additional material on each topic after the sessions. Topics to be covered will include:

  • A performance tuning roadmap for managing DB2 application, database and system performance. You will learn SQL coding and tuning techniques, guidance for database optimization and reorganization, coverage of buffer pool settings and parameters for performance.
  • Logical and physical database design recommendations for DB2, so you can build and maintain effective DB2 databases immediately. Includes discussion of standards, logical to physical translation, data types, usage of nulls, and more.
  • Information and guidance on BINDing and REBINDing, along with a discussion of the most important parameters.
  • Along the way we'll look at locking, access paths, statistics, indexing and more.
  • And even though the current edition of the book covers through DB2 V8, this course adds coverage of some of the newer features added to DB2 in versions 9 and 10 that can boost your productivity and performance.

If you own the book already, bring it along and I'll be happy to autograph it for you. And then you can use it along with the course materials... and if you don't own it already, you'll probably want to grab a copy after attending the seminar... you can always find a link to buy my books on the front page of my web site at

So register for the DB2 Symposium today... and I'll see you in Chicago!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Updating DB2 Developer's Guide (6th edition)

Just a brief blog post today to inform regular readers who might be concerned that I have not been blogging as frequently as in the past.

I am currently working on updating my book, DB2 Developer's Guide, for DB2 versions 9 and 10. This will be the sixth edition of the book and if all goes as planned, it should be available on IBM Press before the end of the year (2011).

Be sure to keep an eye on this blog and my web site ( for further details about the next edition of the book.