Friday, May 01, 2020

Db2 for z/OS and Managing Database Changes - The Recap

During the month of April 2020 I wrote a series of blog posts on the different types of Db2 for z/OS database change management and the things to remember and consider... 

Today, the first day of May, I just wanted to publish a quick recap and links to all of these posts.

So without further ado...

The first post in this series introduced the types of changes and briefly explained the differences at a very high level. It serves as the introduction to the next three parts.

Part 2 examined simple changes, the easiest of the three types of change to implement. These usually just require issuing a simple ALTER to effect database changes.

In the next installment, Part 3 details medium changes, known in the Db2 world as pending changes. Introduced in Db2 10 for z/OS, these require a little bit more work and can only be performed on database objects in Universal table spaces.

And then in the final post, Part 4 takes a look at complex changes. These are the types of changes to database structures that are only supported by dropping and then re-creating the database structure with your required changes. 

If this quick recap whetted your appetite for more details, please take a moment or two to click through each of the links and read the more detailed posts.

And good luck managing your Db2 for z/OS changes!

1 comment:

  1. Graig, thanks for these great articles.
