Thursday, April 16, 2015

SQL Performance Basics: Part 6, Code Relationally... or Avoid the Flat-File Mentality

Another pervasive problem permeating the DB2 development community -- and indeed for most relational DBMSes -- is the “flat file” development mentality. What I mean by this is, when a programmer tries to access data in a relational database the same way that he would access data from a flat file. 

DB2 is ‘relational’ in nature and, as such, operates on data a set-at-a-time, instead of the record-at-a-time processing used against flat files. In order to do justice to DB2, you need to change the way you think about accessing data.

To accomplish this, all users of DB2 need at least an overview education of relational database theory and a moderate to extensive amount of training in SQL. Without such a commitment your programmers are sure to develop ugly and inefficient database access code – and who can blame them? Programmers are used to working with files so they are just doing what comes naturally to them.

SQL is designed so that programmers specify what data is needed but they cannot specify how to retrieve it. SQL is coded without embedded data-navigational instructions. The DBMS analyzes SQL and formulates data-navigational instructions "behind the scenes.” This is foreign to the programmer who has never accessed data using SQL.

Every SQL manipulation statement operates on a table and results in another table. All operations native to SQL, therefore, are performed at a set level. One retrieval statement can return multiple rows; one modification statement can modify multiple rows. This feature of relational databases is called relational closure.

When accessing data, a programmer needs to think about what the end result should be and then code everything possible into the SQL. This means using the native features of SQL – joins and subselects and functions, etc. – instead of coding procedural host language code (whether in COBOL, C, Java or whatever) that, for example, opens up a cursor, fetches a row, and then uses a fetched value to open up another cursor. This is processing DB2 like a set of flat files... better to join the data!

Educating programmers how to use SQL properly -- at a high level -- is probably the single most important thing you can do to optimize performance of your DB2 applications.

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