Showing posts with label Dynamic SQL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dynamic SQL. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2021

Db2, SQL, and Modern Coding Techniques


Mainframe application development has changed dramatically during the lifetime of Db2. Way back in the beginning, and even for a long time thereafter, most Db2 programs were written in COBOL and coded to use static SQL. This meant that the SQL was bound before it was executed and the access paths were etched in stone. And it also meant that the access paths for any SQL in almost any program were readily available to DBAs in PLAN_TABLEs.

Fast forward to the present and static SQL in COBOL is the exception rather than the rule. Oh, sure, those COBOL programs with static SQL are still there, running in CICS or in batch (or even IMS/TM), but most new development is not done this way anymore. Today, programmers use IDEs to build code that accesses mainframe Db2 data using distributed data access over the web or from a GUI. 

Most modern, distributed, application development projects typically rely upon application development frameworks. The two most commonly-used frameworks are Microsoft .NET and Java/J2EE. And these frameworks use dynamic SQL, not static.

An additional contributing force is the adoption of commercial off-the-shelf applications for ERP and CRM like SAP, Peoplesoft, and Siebel (the last two of which are now Oracle products). These applications are not tied to a specific DBMS but support by multiple different DBMSs, one of which is (was) DB2 for z/OS. So, these applications use dynamic SQL because that makes it easier to accomplish multi-vendor DBMS support. For the most part though, none of these ERP packages run on the mainframe (or Db2) because two of the are now Oracle products and SAP is promoting its own DBMS (HANA).

The point though is that the manner in which Db2 applications are developed has changed. And that means the manner in which Db2 is managed is changing, too. Instead of relying on access paths already being there, DBAs must develop ways of capturing access paths for dynamic SQL statements. Prepared dynamic SQL can be cached in the dynamic statement cache so that the same SQL statement can reuse the mini plan for the statement the next time it runs. And the BIND command can be used to snap the statements in the cache and find the access paths used. But the dynamic statement cache works like a buffer pool, with least recently used statements being flushed to make room for new statements… so you might not find the dynamic SQL you are looking for, at least not without helpful tools or scripts to stay on top of things.

This change has caused many organizations to experience SQL performance problems. Because dynamic SQL is easier to introduce into the system performance can become problematic. It is difficult to get a handle on what dynamic SQL runs when. And it is difficult to track because the DBAs are not accustomed to monitoring and tuning dynamic SQL… or they just do not have the proper tools to be able to do the job appropriately. So, these black holes of dynamic SQL performance problems open up that are left to run wild.

New SQL Stuff

It is not just the new programming paradigm that causes management problems for modern DB2 usage. The amount of new SQL statements and functions and features continues to grow with each new version (and even function level) of Db2. This can be a mixed blessing though. It is good because expanding SQL functionality makes it easier to program and access Db2 data. But it can be problematic because it can be more confusing and difficult to learn these new features.

Exacerbating the issue is that many organizations do not invest a sufficient amount of time and effort in educating their staff. If the DBAs are not trained in all of the new functionality, then new SQL can cause big issues. How? Imagine a shop that just migrated to a new version or level of Db2, but the only education available was to read the manuals. So, some of the DBAs are not knowledgeable on the new SQL code. Then a developer picks up a manual, and learns how to use a new function or arrays as parameters. Kudos to the developer for the initiative, but if problems arise there may not be anybody who knows how to support the new feature.

And there is a lot of new SQL functionality being added. If we focus on just the past few versions of Db2, here is a representative list of new SQL programming related enhancements that have been introduced: TRUNCATE, new data types (DECFLOAT, VARBINARY), optimistic locking, FETCH CONTINUE, ROLE, MERGE, SELECT from MERGE, pureXML, FETCH FIRST & ORDER BY in subselect and fullselect, INTERSECT, EXCEPT, Indicator Variables, TIMESTAMP precision and time zones, Moving  sums and averages, Inline and Non-inline SQL scalar functions, SQL table functions, extended implicit casting, RANK(), ROW_NUMBER(), XQuery, transparent archive query, APPLCOMPAT, IDAA/analytics, grouping sets, ROLLUP, Hadoop access, FTBs, LISTAGG…

That is a lot to learn and this is just a selection of what has been added!


Things are moving at a fast and furious pace for application developers these days. And the resultant changes can introduce problems that impact your business unless you adapt to align your management and DBA capabilities with the new development methods.


Friday, February 24, 2017

The DB2 12 for z/OS Blog Series - Part 5: Enhancements for Managing Dynamic and Static SQL

Most modern application development is done using dynamic SQL. But some features work only with static SQL and others only with dynamic SQL. DB2 12 for z/OS delivers functionality that minimizes the difference between static and dynamic SQL.

Dynamic plan stability brings the plan stability feature of static SQL to dynamic SQL. With plan stability for static SQL, you can use the PLANMGMT parameter of REBIND to save off old access paths that can be switched back to active if the new access paths are inefficient for any reason.

DB2 12 introduces dynamic plan stability, which is a little different but should prove to be quite useful. You can choose to stabilize dynamic SQL access paths by storing them in the DB2 system catalog. DB2 will not just automatically start to capture all dynamic access paths. There are options for selecting which queries to stabilize, so you do not have to store all dynamic SQL. This is controlled by the command:


When a dynamic statement is run, DB2 will look in the dynamic statement cache first. If it is not found there, DB2 will look in the system catalog before resorting to a full prepare. This is particularly useful when statements are flushed from the DSC and a prepare would otherwise be required.

You can label a set of stabilized SQL statements into a group known as a stabilization group. This makes it easier for DBAs to track and manage stabilized queries.

Click here for more details on Dynamic Plan Stability.

So dynamic plan stability can make your dynamic SQL more static. But there is another new DB2 12 capability that can make your static SQL more dynamic: static Resource Limit Facility (RLF). The RLF, heretofore, could only be used to govern dynamic SQL statements. RLF tables, manipulated by DBAs, contain limits that make sure that dynamic SQL statements do not consume too many resources such as CPU, I/O, locks, etc. This enables improperly tested SQL or poor resource planning from disrupting performance.

But dynamic SQL is not the only type of SQL that could cause performance issues; static SQL transactions can benefit from the same controls. DB2 12 extends the RLF to support static SQL statements thereby improving the ability to avoid problem applications from dominating your system’s resource consumption.

Specifically, you can set up reactive governing for static SQL statements by adding new rows in resource limit facility tables. Static SQL statements will be governed by rows where RLFFUNC='A' (for DSNRLSTxx tables) and RLFFUNC='B' (for DSNRLMTxx tables).

You can control whether resource limits apply to dynamic only, static only or all SQL statements using the DSNZPARM RLFENABLE. Acceptable values are DYNAMIC, STATIC, or ALL and the default is DYNAMIC. Furthermore, you can specify the default resource limit actions for static SQL statements by setting two DSNZPARMS:
  • RLFERRSTC for local statements
  • RLFERRDSTC for remote statements

In each case, the acceptable values are NOLIMIT, NORUN, or a number between 1 and 500000. You use NOLIMIT to let any static SQL statement that does not correspond to a row in the resource limit table run freely. Alternately, NORUN indicates that any static SQL statement that does not correspond to a row in the resource limit table is prevented from running. Finally, if you specify a number between 1 and 500000, that will be the number of service units to use as the default resource limit. If the limit is exceeded, the SQL statement is terminated.

If you need more details on setting up resource limits in general, you can find that information in the IBM manuals and online here.

But the bottom line is that DB2 12 gives users more and better options for managing both their dynamic and static SQL performance.  And that is definitely a good thing!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dynamic SQL - Let's Do The Math

We've come a long way in the world of DB2 in the past decade or so. I remember way back when it was common for DBAs to say "If performance is an issue, dynamic SQL should not be used... always use static SQL!"  But today, in 2014, it is usually the case that dynamic SQL is the predominant form of new development.

Now a lot of things have changed to make this the case. Particularly that most new applications are being developed for distributed and web applications, instead of traditional mainframe, COBOL applications. And dynamic SQL is the default way to access DB2 from these type of apps.

But you know what? Even if you are developing traditional mainframe COBOL programs, dynamic SQL can be a better solution for you.

The Basics

Before we go on, let's tackle a few of the basics. What makes dynamic SQL different than static SQL?  Well, static SQL is optimized prior to program execution.  Each and every static SQL statement in a program is analyzed and optimized during the DB2 Bind process.  During this process the best access path is determined and coded into your DB2 package.  When the program is executed, the pre-formulated access path is executed.

Dynamic SQL, on the other hand, is optimized at run time.  Prior to the dynamic SQL statement being executed, it must be processed by the DB2 Optimizer so that an optimal access path can be determined.  This is called the Prepare process.  Prepare can be thought of as a dynamic Bind. 

We will not go into the details of dynamic statement caching and its ability to improve dynamic SQL performance here. Suffice it to say, dynamic SQL these days can be tuned using caching. For additional details on dynamic statement caching (and REOPT parms) check out my article, Dynamic SQL Performance, on TOAD World.

Now let's turn our attention to traditional dynamic SQL development. There are four types of dynamic SQL:
  • Non-SELECT
  • Fixed-List SELECT
  • Varying-List SELECT

EXECUTE IMMEDIATE dynamic SQL ­will (implicitly) prepare and execute complete SQL statements embedded in host-variables.  Its drawbacks are that it can not be used to retrieve data using the SELECT statement and the PREPARE is implicit within the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE; so optimization must occur every time the statement is executed.

Non-SELECT Dynamic SQL can be used to explicitly prepare and execute SQL statements in an ­application program.  The PREPARE and EXECUTE are separated so that once a statement is prepared, it can be executed multiple time without re-optimization.  However, as its name implies, Non-SELECT dynamic SQL can not ­issue the SELECT statement. 

Fixed-List SELECT can be used to explicitly prepare and execute SQL SELECT statements ­where the exact columns to be retrieved are always known in advance.  The columns to be retrieved must be known at the time the program is being coded and they can not change during execution.  This is necessary ­in order to create the proper working-storage declaration for ­host-variables in your program. 

If you do not know in advance ­the exact columns that are to be accessed, you can use Varying-List SELECT dynamic SQL.  In this case, pointer variables are used to maintain the list of selected columns.  Although Varying-List SELECT is the most complicated type of dynamic SQL, it also provides the most flexibility for dynamic SELECT statements.  Changes can be made "on the fly" to tables,­ and columns, and predicates.  Because everything about the query­ can change during one invocation of the program, the number and­ type of host-variables needed to store the retrieved rows cannot­ be known beforehand.  This will add considerable sophistication and complexity to­ your application programs.

Mathematical Reason to Reconsider Dynamic SQL

Even if the decreasing cost of dynamic SQL and the newer performance improvements like dynamic statement caching do not compel you to use dynamic SQL, there is at least one situation where dynamic SQL should almost always be chosen over static SQL:  when numerous combinations of predicates can be chosen by a user at run-time.

Consider the following:  What if, for a certain query, there are twenty possible predicates.  The user of the program is permitted to choose up to six of these predicates for any given request.  How many different static SQL statements need to be coded to satisfy these specifications?

First, let's determine the number of different ways that you can choose six predicates out of twenty.  To do so we need to use combinatorial coefficients.  So, if n is the number of different ways then:

            n = (20 x 19 x 18 x 17 x 16 x 15) / (6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1)

            n = (27,907,200) / (720)

            n = 38,760

38,760 separate static SELECTs is quite a large number, but this is still not enough!  This number shows the total number of different ways we can choose six predicates out of twenty if the ordering of the predicates does not matter (which for all intents and purposes it does not)[1].  However, since the specifications clearly state that the user can choose up to six, we have to modify our number.  This means that we have to add in:
  • the number of different ways of choosing five predicates out of twenty
  • the number of different ways of choosing four predicates out of twenty
  • the number of different ways of choosing three predicates out of twenty
  • the number of different ways of choosing two predicates out of twenty
  • the number of different ways of choosing one predicate out of twenty

Figure 1.  Combinatorial Coefficients Calculations

Ways to Choose Six Predicates Out of Twenty

            (20 x 19 x 18 x 17 x 16 x 15) / (6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) = 38,760

Ways to Choose Five Predicates Out of Twenty

            (20 x 19 x 18 x 17 x 16) / (5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1) = 15,504

Ways to Choose Four Predicates Out of Twenty

            (20 x 19 x 18 x 17) / (4 x 3 x 2 x 1) = 4,845

Ways to Choose Three Predicates Out of Twenty

            (20 x 19 x 18) / (3 x 2 x 1) = 1,140

Ways to Choose Two Predicates Out of Twenty

            (20 x 19) / (2 x 1) = 190

Ways to Choose One Predicate Out of Twenty

            20 / 1 = 20

Total Ways to Choose Up To Six Predicates Out of Twenty

            38,760 + 15,504 + 4,845 + 1,140 + 190 + 20 = 60,459

This brings the grand total number of static SQL statements that must be coded to 60,459.  The calculations are shown in Figure 1.  In a situation like this, if static SQL is being forced upon us, we have one of two options:

1.   code for forty days and forty nights hoping to successfully write 60,459 SQL statements
2.   compromise on the design and limit the users flexibility

I can guarantee that 99.99% of the time the second option will be chosen.  My solution would be to abandon static SQL and use dynamic SQL in this situation.  How would this ease the development situation?  Consider the following:
  • With dynamic SQL, the twenty predicates need be coded only once (in working storage)
  • As the program runs, the application logic can build the complete SQL statement based upon user input
  • The size of the DBRM will decrease dramatically.  The DBRM for the static SQL program will be huge if it contains all of the 60,459 SQL statements.  Even if a compromise number is reached, chances are that the DBRM will be large.  And guaranteed it will be larger than the DBRM for the dynamic SQL program.
  • Although there will be additional run-time overhead to build the SQL and perform the dynamic Prepare, performance may not suffer. Queries issued against non-uniform data, may actually experience improved access paths and perform better.

So When Should You Seriously Consider Dynamic SQL?
  • When the nature of the program is truly changeable, such as the example given in the text above.
  • When the columns to be retrieved can vary from execution to execution.  This is similar to the example given where multiple combinations of predicates can be chosen, but in this case, multiple combinations of columns can be chosen.
  • When benefit can be accrued from interacting with other dynamic SQL applications.  
  • When the SQL must access non-uniform data.
You can find some additional guidance for helping you to evaluate when to use dynamic versus static SQL in my Data Perspectives column Dynamic vs. Static SQL.


Dynamic SQL is not always bad... and it is already pervasive in distributed and web applications.  In this day and age, dynamic SQL should be considered as a viable option even for traditional mainframe applications that are not distributed or web-based.

[1] It is true that for performance reasons you may want to put the predicate with the highest cardinality within each type of operator first, but we will not concern ourselves with this in this blog post.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Dynamic SQL Causing Lock Escalation?

Lock escalation is the promotion of a lock from a row, page or LOB lock to a table space lock because the number of page locks that are concurrently held on a given resource exceeds a preset limit.

But lock escalation can cause problems. Yes, when fewer locks are taken, CPU cost and memory usage can be reduced. On the other hand, escalating the size of a lock causes more resources to be locked... and that impacts concurrency with the most likely result being applications experiencing lock timeouts or deadlocks.

When lock escalation occurs, DB2 writes messages to the system log. So when complaints inevitably arrive about failing transactions you can look for the appropriate lock escalation message indicating that it could be the culprit.

But such simple steps are typically not sufficient to track down the root cause and take corrective actions. You need to be able to determine what SQL statement in what program and under what circumstances is causing the escalation. Doing so involves tracing and using performance monitoring tools.

For those interested in this topic, (indeed, the primary purpose of this blog post) you should seek out the IBM TechDoc titled Identifying the dynamic SQL statement which is causing a
lock escalation in DB2 for z/OS
. For those who don't know what a TechDoc is, don't worry, it isn't that complicated. It is basically a published piece of technical documentation that isn't part of a larger manual or IBM RedBook. They can be short papers, product flashes, presentations, etc.

This particular TechDoc details a methodology for identifying dynamic SQL statements involved in a lock escalation. It describes which traces to start, and which jobs to run to analyze the collected traces. It also explains how to analyze the trace report to find the problematic SQL statement.

You can search all of IBM's TechDocs by following this link.

Happy reading!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Get Control of Access Path Changes for Dynamic SQL when Migrating to a New Version of DB2

Are you making plans to migrate to a new version of DB2? Do you know what impact the access changes for dynamic SQL will have on performance? When migrating to a new DB2 version, access path changes for dynamic SQL are unpredictable – as is the impact those changes will have on application performance. Learn how you can use Bind ImpactExpert to eliminate the unwanted surprises in version migration by performing a “precheck” on dynamic SQL access path changes.

This webinar will be presented by myself (Craig Mullins) and Joe Brockert, Sr. Software Consultant for NEON Enterprise Software. We'll discuss the issues associated with dynamic SQL during a DB2 migration and offer a live demo of Bind ImpactExpert. Join us to see the solution that provides predictability in access path changes.

Enroll by clicking on this link.