Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Aging Mainframer

A continuing, lingering perception that the mainframe is dead continues on in some parts of the IT industry. It seems that we constantly hear that big IT shops are getting rid of their mainframes. But rarely do we ever hear about it after the fact. No, it is usually reported right when someone thinks that it is a good idea.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm sure there are some shops that have removed their mainframe. But I'm also sure that there are many more that thought about it but couldn't do it -- as well as those who wouldn't even consider it.

A bigger problem for the mainframe than the misguided notion that it is more costly than other computing platforms is the aging of the mainframe workforce. This is a reality. If you don't believe me, go to a SHARE conference and fix your eyeballs on some of the dinosaurs attending mainframe sessions there (myself included).

Basically, the problem is that mainframe experts are getting older and slowly retiring. And who will replace them? Most young IT professionals do not choose to work on mainframe systems, instead choosing to concentrate on the latest technology bandwagons -- things like Windows and Linux, open source and so on. Put one of these newbies in front of a terminal and introduce them to the joys of JCL, ISPF and COBOL, then watch them scream out the door yelling "I want my Java!" (And who can blame them?)

But this is actually an inaccurate perception. You see, mainframe no longer means ugly old green screens. Today's mainframe environment is quite different from the mainframe of yesteryear. That hulking, water-cooled beast you may remember has been replaced with chip-based, CMOS, air-cooled systems. Today's mainframes are easier to hook together using Parallel Sysplex technology. And all of the "modern" technology used on Windows and Linux platforms works on the mainframe, too. Yes, that means XML, TCP/IP, Java and so on all work on the mainframe, too.

Nowadays, the biggest mainframe "problems" are training and PR. Let's focus on training first. Mainframe technology is not taught by most universities these days; this really needs to change. What is needed is a comprehensive educational program delivered through major universities, as well as IT-focused institutions like DeVry and NorthFace universities. The program should be sponsored by major mainframe vendors, which could provide hardware and software, as well as a conduit for hiring graduates. Actually, IBM is doing something just like this nowadays. An ongoing mainframe program in the universities will help to further promote and extend the mainframe. And that is goodness.

And why would universities be interested in such a program? Employability of their graduates! As the current crop of mainframe experts retire, companies will have to replace them. I'd venture to guess that 10 years or so down the line, it will be easier for an IMS DBA, for example, to get a job offer than an Oracle DBA. The demand will be greater for the IMS talent because the supply is so low.

The publicity component is a bit more difficult. So much has been written and implied about the mainframe being dead that a lot folks believe it. But the mainframe continues to be a robust, viable component of today's IT infrastructure. Organizations continue to add more MIPS, deploy more applications and run their most important, mission-critical applications on mainframe computers. Until this aspect of the mainframe is publicized more, the existing perception is likely to linger.

Or maybe we should just give the mainframe a new name and pretend that it is a new technology with better availability, scalability and performance than the existing platforms - how about a name like the "AlwaysAvailable"?

This posting is a slightly revised version of a piece I wrote for Search390.com.
If you'd like to read the original,
click here (registration required).

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Cross Platform Help

As regular readers of this blog know, this space is devoted to DB2 for z/OS – that’s the mainframe for those of you just visiting. I’d like to take a moment here, though, to point out some interesting posts for cross-platform DB2 DBAs.

Chris Eaton, Senior Product Manager for DB2 Universal Database at IBM, writes a blog for ITtoolbox focusing on DB2 UDB for Linux, Unix, and Windows (LUW). If you use DB2 on that platform, be sure to read his blog regularly.

So why am I mentioning this on a mainframe DB2 blog? Well, Chris has recently posted some very nice entries outlining the similarities and differences between DB2 on the z/OS and LUW platforms. Here are the links to those postings for those of you interested in expanding your understanding. Each is interesting and worth reading:


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Mainframes Rock!

It is good to see mainframes getting some positive press again. I'm talking about this November 17, 2005 article published in InfoWorld. It talks about a company that tried to get rid of its mainframe and replace it with first, Windows servers; and when that didn't work, Unix servers. When neither worked for them, they finally gave in and moved back to the reliable environment provided by mainframe computing.

Basically, it boils down to this. There are some workloads that just are better off being served by mainframes. This is the parallel I like to draw:

If you are going to plow a field, what animal(s) would you choose to drive your plow: a nice strong, sturdy ox (mainframe) -or- 64 chickens (Unix servers) -or- 128 gerbils (Windows servers)?

Monday, November 21, 2005

To REBIND or Not to REBIND, That is the Question

There are two basic mindsets on when to REBIND your DB2 plans and packages. The first -- which I believe is the best approach -- is to REBIND regularly after running RUNSTATS. Using this approach you will ensure that your access paths have been formulated by the DB2 optimizer using the most up-to-date information available on your data. If you fail to REBIND your static SQL you are failing to give DB2 the chance to achieve the best performance it can for your applications.

(Of course, this begs the question: "How frequently should I run RUNSTATS?" to which my answer is "As frequently as possible based on how often your data changes," but enough of this aside for now.)

Of course, the DB2 optimizer is not perfect so sometimes rebinding can cause the performance of certain SQL statements to degrade. You will have to be ready to handle these problems by using optimization hints (OPTHINT in the PLAN_TABLE) to go back to a satisfactory access path or by tweaking your SQL to achieve a better performing access path (and some people also may say "...or change the catalog statistics," but that should only be a last resort and is rarely required these days).

Additionally, we have not considered the impact and need to periodically reorganize your DB2 table spaces using the REORG utility. RUNSTATS populates the DB2 Catalog with the information you need to decide when a REORG is warranted. Of course, you would want to run RUNSTATS again after a REORG to obtain the most up-to-date statistics... and only then would you want to REBIND your plans and packages.

The second approach is the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" approach. In this scenario, you will continue to run RUNSTATS regularly but you will not REBIND your plans and packages until performance degrades. This approach is embraced by shops that do not have the manpower or time to review all access paths after a mass REBIND. By not running REBIND the thought is that performance will continue along as is until data volumes change so significantly that end users start to complain. Only then will individual plans and packages be rebound following the next scheduled RUNSTATS or immediately if the problem is large enough. This approach will degrade performance, albeit possibly subtly over time. However, it does save DBA manpower, which might be in short supply.

Examine your shop's approach to the REBIND issue to see which approach is best for you. Although philosophically I agree with the first approach, I understand that the second approach sometimes can be preferable in practice. If you follow the second approach, be sure that you have pre-agreed Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for your DB2 applications. Then, you can reasonably argue that there is no reason to REBIND anything until you are no longer meeting the SLA.

Friday, November 11, 2005

New DB2 DBA Portal from IBM

Just a quick post to alert readers to a new portal from the IBM DeveloperWorks team. The portal is named DBA Central and it bills itself as offering resources for IBM Information Management database administrators.

So, the portal won't be 100% mainframe content, but it should have some interesting nuggets of data for mainframe DB2 DBAs.