Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Indexing the DB2 Catalog [DB2 9 for z/OS]

First of all, I want to apologize for the lack of new posts here the last couple of weeks. I've been busy traveling and preparing for the holidays -- as have most of you I guess, at least the holiday preparation part! Anyway, this will likely be my last post this year and it will be a short one at that. But be sure to check back again in the new year (2008) as I will begin posting a bit more regularly again (hopefully).

In today's post I want to tout a small but helpful improvement in DB2 9 for z/OS that makes it easier to build all of the indexes you want on your DB2 Catalog tables. As you know, even though the DB2 Catalog ships with a set of pre-defined indexes from IBM, you can add your own for improving the performance of your catalog queries. Some DB2 tools vendors even ship recommendations of indexes for you to build to make their solutions work more efficiently.

Well, prior to V9 the limit for user-defined defined indexes on the DB2 Catalog was 100. Over time, some shops have bumped up against this limit and were unable to define any additional indexes.

The good news is that DB2 V9 ups the limit to 500 user-defined catalog indexes.

That's all for today... and I wish all of my readers a very happy holiday season!

Monday, November 26, 2007


Welcome back to my blog as I continue our examination of the new features of DB2 9 for z/OS. Today we will look at the new UPDATE SCHEMA capability of the CATMAINT utility.

Have you ever wanted to make a global change to a schema, owner, creator, or VCAT name for your DB2 objects? Well, you can do that with CATMAINT in DB2 9 for z/OS using new UPDATE SCHEMA options.

There are three (3) new options added to CATMAINT, namely:

  • SCHEMA: Owner, creator and schema names can be changed using this option.
  • VCAT: Indexes, table spaces and storage groups can be altered to use a different ICF or VCATNAME using this option.
  • OWNER: Ownership of objects can be changed to a role using this option.

To use any of these options you must be in DB2 9 NFM and have Install SYSADM authority.

How does it work? Well, let’s take a look at a few examples, starting with the SCHEMA option. To rename the owner, creator, and schema of database objects, plan, and packages, we will run CATMAINT specifying the SCHEMA SWITCH option. This process updates every owner, creator or schema name in the catalog and directory that matches the specified schema_name value. Importantly, all GRANTs that were made by or received by the original owner are changed to the new owner. Ownership of objects is not changed if the owner is a role.

So if we want to change OLDNAME to NEWNAME we can code the following CATMAINT job:


You can change multiple names by repeating the SWITCH keyword, but you are not allowed to code the same name more than once.

Be aware though, when the schema name of an object is changed, any plans or packages that are dependent on the object are invalidated. If you do not REBIND those plans and packages an automatic REBIND will occur the next time you execute any of those programs.

Here is another example, this time for the VCAT option. To change the VCAT name that is used by storage groups or by index spaces and table spaces, we can run CATMAINT specifying the VCAT SWITCH option. This option is similar to using the ALTER TABLESPACE USING VCAT statement for changing the VCAT name. You need to move the data for the affected indexes or table spaces to the data set on the new catalog in a separate step.

So if we want to change OLDVCAT to NEWVCAT we can code the following CATMAINT job:


You can change multiple VCAT names by repeating the SWITCH keyword, but you cannot specify the same name more than once. There are several restrictions to this option that you should research in the IBM manuals before attempting to switch VCAT names.

The final option is the OWNER option. It is used for changing the ownership of objects from a user to a role. Roles are new in DB2 9 and are associated with a TRUSTED CONTEXT. This will be the subject of a future blog posting here on the DB2portal blog – so keep an eye out for that one soon.

For example, if we want to switch ownership of objects for OWNER1, OWNER2 and OWNER3 to a role, we can run CATMAINT as follows:


You must be running under a trusted context with a role to run this utility. The current role will become the owner. Privileges held on the object will be transferred from the original owner to the role.

A final caveat: be sure to create backups of your DB2 Catalog and DB2 Directory before running this CATMAINT to switch SCHEMA, VCAT, or OWNER.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Free Database Archiving Webinar

Attend a free webinar on database archiving on November 28, 2007 at 10:30 am CST.

The webinar, which I will be co-hosting with Bill Baker, will tackle the issue of skyrocketing data volumes in conjunction with increasing governmental regulations that impact the duration of data retention. These dual trends (among several others) conspire to make it difficult to ensure that your organization is in compliance regarding its operational data. As required data retention periods increase it becomes imperative that organizations develop a solid practice for archiving and managing business data from their online operational databases.

Now you may have read about database archiving either in my blogs (Long-Term Data Retention Drives Database Archiving, Data Management Today blog) or elsewhere, but here is a chance to attend a free presentation on the topic to learn all about the trends, troubles, and nuances involved in successfully archiving database data.

I hope you can find the time to attend!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


I am posting today’s blog entry from Athens, Greece as I participate in the European IDUG conference. Good thing I know how to use the Blogger site because when I log in over here in Greece the text on their site is all converted into Greek - and as I'm sure comes as no surprise to anyone, I don't understand Greek!

Anyway, today's post will be about the improvements IBM has made to the BACKUP SYSTEM and RESTORE SYSTEM utilities in DB2 9 for z/OS. And this will be the final entry in this series on Version 9 features discussing utility improvements… it will not be the last in the series on V9 improvements though, just the last one on the utilities.

Also, please keep in mind that these blog posts are meant to deliver a flavor of the new functionality in DB2 9 for z/OS. They will not cover every nuance and detail of what V9 has to offer. With that said, let’s dive into the enhancements to the BACKUP and RESTORE SYSTEM utilities.


As most of you surely know, BACKUP SYSTEM and RESTORE SYSTEM were are relatively new utilities, added to DB2 as of Version 8. They use disk volume FlashCopy backups and copypool z/OS DFSMShsm V1R5 constructs to copy and restore large volumes of DB2 data. In DB2 V9 these utilities are enhanced to use new functions available with z/OS V1R8 DFSMShsm.

Recovery of Individual Database Objects

In V9, backups produced by BACKUP SYSTEM (aka system level backups) can be used to recover individual table spaces or index spaces. This is helpful because previously you had to recover the entire system, and that is not always what is necessary.

When you wish to recover a subset of a system level backup you will use the RECOVER utility instead of RESTORE SYSTEM. Before your RECOVER jobs can use system level backups you must first set the SYSTEM_LEVEL_BACKUPS DSNZPARM option to YES. This can be set from the DSNTIP6 install panel. If you specify YES then your system-level backups will be considered in object level recoveries (along with your other image copy backups).

If you wish to use your system level backups for individual database object recoveries then you need to make sure that you are copying your indexes (specifying COPY YES).

Why would you want to use your system level backups in this way? Well, doing so should enable you to reduce the frequency with which you are taking conventional image copies. If you take a daily system level backup, then the database objects that you were also backing up on a daily basis may not be required. Of course, you cannot completely forgo all individual image copies because the system level backup timing may not conform to the timing needed for each object based on application requirements, and of course, image copies will still be needed after running utilities like LOAD REPLACE and REORG LOG NO to resolve copy pending situations.

Tape Support for BACKUP SYSTEM

DB2 V9 also delivers the ability for the BACKUP SYSTEM utility to copy the data directly to tape. The new parameters allowing this capability are the DUMP and DUMPONLY options.

The output of the DUMP or DUMPONLY is directed to a DFSMShsm dump class, which specifies the unit type the data will be directed to. Although IBM implemented this change to enable tape support, an SMS dump class is not restricted to tape.

Keep in mind that directing data to tape will have an impact on the speed of your restore. Restoring from tape will not be as fast as restoring from a FlashCopy made to disk. Of course, having your data on tape can help in terms of storage management, disaster recovery and off-site data storage, and long-term data retention. So be aware of these trade-offs before creating system level backups on tape.

Additionally, recognizing that copying data to tape can be time-consuming IBM has added a new keyword, FORCE, to enable a new backup to be started even if a previous DUMP has not yet completed. Of course, FORCE should not be used all the time - - only be used when it is very critical that a new backup be started.

Incremental FlashCopy

And finally, support for incremental copying has been added to FlashCopy. So now you can take a system level backup and then subsequent incremental system level backups. An incremental FlashCopy will copy only the tracks that have changed on the source volume since the last copy was taken. But unlike a typical incremental image copy, the previous content on the volume(s) will be replaced by the new content. That means there is no merging of incrementals required; essentially, the merge is part of the incremental FlashCopy.

I won’t go into all of the gory details here but this new functionality can greatly minimize I/O activity for system level backups.


So, to sum things up, the ability to work with system level backups becomes easier in V9 because you can recover individual table spaces and indexes from a system level backup without having to restore the entire backup, you can make system level backups directly to tape, and we get the ability to do incremental system level backups. All in all, some nice new features for BACKUP SYSTEM and RESTORE SYSTEM, wouldn't you say?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Improvements to the REORG Utility [DB2 9 for z/OS]

As we continue to wind our way through the multiple improvements that DB2 V9 brings to the IBM utilities, it is time to address the enhancements made to the REORG utility.


First up, let’s talk about performance improvements. In DB2 9 for z/OS, the REORG utility can unload and reload partitions in parallel. This should result in a nice reduction in elapsed time when you are reorganizing partitioned table spaces. To enable this improvement you will need to code the NOSYSREC keyword or the UNLDDN keyword with a template. Note that NOSYSREC is always used for SHRLEVEL change.

Parallelism will not be enabled if any of the following conditions apply:

  • DATAWKnn ddnames are specified in the JCL
  • SORTDEVT keyword is not specified
  • UTPRINT is allocated to anything other than SYSOUT
  • The REBALANCE keyword is used.

Also consider that REORG SHRLEVEL CHANGE can use subtasks during the LOG phase to speed up the processing of log records. Subtasks will be used when unload and reload have been done by partition and there are log records to apply for the partition.

BUILD2 Phase Eliminated in Online REORG

As you probably know, an Online REORG uses shadow data sets. The reorganization is done to the shadows while the data remains available in the primary data sets. When the REORG is done, the shadow data sets are switched to be the primary data sets.

As most DBA know, reorganization by partition can create a long outage when non-partitioned indexes (NPIs) exist on the table. Why is this so? Well, prior to V9, during Online REORG, NPIs had to be updated with the new RIDs for the data of the partition being reorganized during the BUILD2 phase. And that is what typically caused the sometimes significant outage.

With DB2 V9, the BUILD2 phase is eliminated. Instead, the entire NPI will be reorganized and then switched in the SWITCH phase along with all of the other data sets. The only outage is during the SWITCH phase, which will be much, much shorter than the BUILD2 phase outage.

As a result of the elimination of the BUILD2 phase, DB2 will need additional temporary storage for the shadow data sets for each NPI. Additionally, the cost of the REORG will increase because building an entire NPI will consume more CPU than the previous method of updating RIDs in the BUILD2 phase. Finally, you will need to modify any REORG jobs against different partitions that ran in parallel because the entire NPI will be built and then switched.

What about running REORG SHRLEVEL REFERENCE by partition? Well, REORG SHRLEVEL REFERENCE by partition will also rebuild any associated NPIs using shadows. So the same type of concerns apply (more disk storage, additional CPU, no separate jobs in parallel).

Reorganization and LOBs

Finally, as I blogged about before in the posting on LOBS, prior to V9 you could not access LOB data during a REORG. And a REORG did not reclaim physical space from the LOB data set because LOBs were moved within the existing LOB table space. V9 fixes these problems. During a REORG (in V9), the original LOB table space is drained of writers. All LOBs are then extracted from the original data set and inserted into a shadow data set. When this operation is complete, all access to the LOB table space is stopped (the readers are drained) while the original data set is switched with the shadow data set. At this point, full access to the new data set is enabled, and an inline copy is taken to ensure recoverability of data.