Monday, December 04, 2023

My Top Ten Db2 Performance Posts

Regular readers of this blog will notice that the past few months have been consumed by my posts outlining my Top Ten Db2 Performance tips.

So, it being December and the end of the year, I thought it would be a good idea to publish a post with links to each of the Top Ten tips... so here it is!

Number 1 - Analyze Query Execution Plans

Number 2 - Optimize Your Database Design

Number 3 - Efficient Indexing Strategies

Number 4 - Effective Memory Configuration

Number 5 - Workload Management and Query Optimization

Number 6 - Monitoring and Performance Metrics

Number 7 - Configuration Parameters and Tuning

Number 8 - I/O Optimization

Number 10 - Stay Up-to-Date

Of course, a list such as this will not be comprehensive in terms of listing everything that you may encounter on your path to efficient Db2 performance... but it can serve as a good place to start that journey.

Let me know your thoughts on anything in this list... or share your performance stories and headaches with us here on the blog!

1 comment:

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