Monday, April 18, 2016

Don’t let ICIs put your DB2 application in the ICU!

Those of you who have been paying close attention have probably already noticed, or indeed encountered, incompatibility issues with how DB2 for z/OS behaves from version to version. Oh, sure, we all know that there have been deprecated features, and we deal with those over the long periods of time it takes for the features to be completely removed from DB2. Sure, we don't like it, but it is not really a huge problem to manage.

But there are other DB2 incompatibilities that are more troublesome to manage. You see, over the course of the past several releases of DB2 for z/OS, IBM has been making changes that can modify the behavior of your DB2 application programs. Code that worked one way works differently after migration. The number of incompatible changes being introduced by IBM started off slowly in DB2 9 but has grown to a significant number today. So much so that there IBM has introduced ICIs, or incompatible change indicators that can be traced using IFCIDs. 

Additionally, there are ways to repress these changes from occurring, but it is not quite as simple as that. What ever is that simple, right?

Well, if you are at all interested in learning more about DB2 incompatibilities and how to manage them, join me and Roy Boxwell for our webinar, Don’t let ICIs put your DB2 application in the ICU! 

We will discuss the issues, how they impact your applications, and offer up some guidance on how to get your arms around the problem. And Roy will show us how SEG's Workload Expert technology can be used to make it easier to track these issues, as well as to manage and control their impact on your DB2 applications.

So register today and join us in this informative webinar scheduled for April 28 2016 at 1:00 PM Eastern time.

This session will discuss the incompatible changes, their potential impact on your applications, as well as provide guidance on how to tackle the whole experience. And you’ll also see how SEGUS’s Workload Expert technology makes it easier to manage and control these incompatible changes. With all of this information at your disposal, you can make sure that your DB2 applications do not wind up in the ICU (intensive care unit)!

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