Tuesday, March 10, 2015

SQL Performance Basics: Ask For Only What You Need

As you write SQL statements to access DB2 data, there are certain very simple, yet important rules to follow to encourage efficient SQL. Of course, SQL performance is a complex topic and to understand every nuance of how SQL performs can take a lifetime to master. That being said, adhering to the following simple rules puts you on the right track to achieving high-performing DB2 applications.

The first rule is to always provide only the exact columns that you need to retrieve in the SELECT-list of each SQL SELECT statement. Sometimes this is shortened to “do not use SELECT *”. The shorthand SELECT * means retrieve all columns from the table(s) being accessed. This is fine for quick and dirty queries but is bad practice for inclusion in application programs because DB2 tables may need to be changed in the future to include additional columns. SELECT * will retrieve those new columns, too, and your program may not be capable of handling the additional data without requiring time-consuming changes. 

Even if the program needs every column, it is better to explicitly ask for each column by name in the SQL statement for clarity and to avoid accessing new and unwanted columns.
DB2 consumes additional resources for every column you specify to be returned. If the program does not need the data, it should not ask for it.

The second part of asking only for what you need is using the WHERE clause to filter data in the SQL instead of bringing it all into your program. This is a common rookie mistake. It is much better for DB2 to filter the data before returning it to your program. This is true because DB2 uses additional I/O and CPU resources to obtain each row of data. The fewer rows passed to your program, the more efficient your SQL will be. So, the following SQL

    FROM    EMP
    WHERE   SALARY > 50000.00;

Is better than simply reading all of the data without the WHERE clause and then checking each row to see if the SALARY is greater than 50000.00 in your program.

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