Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Indexing the DB2 Catalog [DB2 9 for z/OS]

First of all, I want to apologize for the lack of new posts here the last couple of weeks. I've been busy traveling and preparing for the holidays -- as have most of you I guess, at least the holiday preparation part! Anyway, this will likely be my last post this year and it will be a short one at that. But be sure to check back again in the new year (2008) as I will begin posting a bit more regularly again (hopefully).

In today's post I want to tout a small but helpful improvement in DB2 9 for z/OS that makes it easier to build all of the indexes you want on your DB2 Catalog tables. As you know, even though the DB2 Catalog ships with a set of pre-defined indexes from IBM, you can add your own for improving the performance of your catalog queries. Some DB2 tools vendors even ship recommendations of indexes for you to build to make their solutions work more efficiently.

Well, prior to V9 the limit for user-defined defined indexes on the DB2 Catalog was 100. Over time, some shops have bumped up against this limit and were unable to define any additional indexes.

The good news is that DB2 V9 ups the limit to 500 user-defined catalog indexes.

That's all for today... and I wish all of my readers a very happy holiday season!

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