Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Free DB2 Webinars

Well, everyone in the US should be recovered from the 4th of July holiday by now and be back to work... unless you took a vacation, in which case, you'll be reading this later. It rained here in Texas on the 4th, but that didn't stop the barbecues. Hope your 4th was relaxing (and for my international readers, I hope you'll forgive the brief discussion of a US holiday)...

Anyway, I wanted to take this opportunity during this holiday week to point you to a couple of pre-recorded webinars that I conducted earlier this year. Both are available to be streamed free-of-charge over the Internet.

The first one is titled Managing Common DB2 Performance Problems . In it I discuss some of the more common performance issues with DB2 -- and I also offer some guidance on how to manage DB2 performance at your site. Every DBA and data management professional knows that database performance is an on-going mission, and if you pick up tip or two in this session your time will be well spent.

The second webinar is titled Using Real Time Statistics to Improve DB2 Administration. Even though the Real Time Statistics (RTS) feature was delivered in DB2 Version 7, the number of organizations using them is still slim. This is unfortunate because RTS can be extremely beneficial in terms of analyzing and automating your DB2 maintenance tasks. This webcast offers an overview of RTS, including discussions on implementing them, integrating them with traditional statistics, and using them to help automate utility processing.

These webinars were sponsored by NEON Enterprise Software - and they offer some good tools for managing DB2 performance, automating DB2 administration, and managing changing DB2 access paths and BINDs.

Finally, you might want to hear what Roger Miller has to say about the next version of DB2 for the mainframe -- DB2 for z/OS Version 9. You can listen to a free replay of his webinar outlining this new version here. This webcast talks about many of the new features of the upcoming V9 release of DB2 for z/OS and it offers a great opportunity to learn from Roger - that jack of all trades and master of several...

As of late 2011, the webinars referenced in this blog post are no longer available for replay.


  1. Anonymous12:20 AM

    What's this! The links are directed to some Inter Call company website, can't see any DB2 Webinar at all!!! All fake and disappointing!!

  2. Well, this post is over FIVE YEARS OLD. I assure you, when I posted it these webinars were up and live. Over the course of the half a decade that has transpired, the webinars have dated, and the company that hosted them no longer services the DB2 market. So, a little perspective here anonymous...

    I will de-activate the links though...
