Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Cross Platform Help

As regular readers of this blog know, this space is devoted to DB2 for z/OS – that’s the mainframe for those of you just visiting. I’d like to take a moment here, though, to point out some interesting posts for cross-platform DB2 DBAs.

Chris Eaton, Senior Product Manager for DB2 Universal Database at IBM, writes a blog for ITtoolbox focusing on DB2 UDB for Linux, Unix, and Windows (LUW). If you use DB2 on that platform, be sure to read his blog regularly.

So why am I mentioning this on a mainframe DB2 blog? Well, Chris has recently posted some very nice entries outlining the similarities and differences between DB2 on the z/OS and LUW platforms. Here are the links to those postings for those of you interested in expanding your understanding. Each is interesting and worth reading:



  1. Hi Craig,

    Firstly, I am big fan of you. Your Information is so helpful.

    I am a DB2 System programmer in Mainframes. For better understanding purpose I want to look into LUW for DB2 as well. I have no idea on where to start and this particular Blog of you was interesting.

    But the links you mentioned above are not working now, related to Chris Eaton. I know its almost a decade now. But If you happen to see this comment can you please help me out!

  2. Thanks Sandeep

    It would appear that Chris' blog has gone away. That is a shame because he had a LOT of great content up there. In terms of places to start learning DB2 for LUW, here are a few ideas:

    (1) Consider purchasing a good, introductory book on the subject, such as Raul Chong's DB2 Essentials: Understanding DB2 in a Big Data World. The link to it on amazon is http://www.amazon.com/DB2-Essentials-Understanding-World-Edition/dp/0133461904/ref=as_sl_pc_tf_til?tag=mullinassoci-20&linkCode=w00&linkId=FUYHVXU5V3263I5T&creativeASIN=0133461904

    (2) If you are a member of IDUG, do a search there for presentations on the topic. I recall, in the past, seeing presentations giving a good introduction to DB2 for LUW, as well as presentations introducing LUW for mainframers. If you are not an IDUG member, join... it is free.

    Best of luck!
