Showing posts with label DBA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DBA. Show all posts

Friday, August 07, 2020

The Virtual North American IDUG Db2 Tech Conference 2020

The IDUG North America Virtual Conference is happening now... and it runs through the end of next week (August 14, 2020), so there is still time to register, attend, and hear about some great Db2 "stuff!"
Originally, the event was planned as a weeklong conference to be held early in June in Dallas, Texas. But with the pandemic, IDUG changed its plans and turned this year's North American IDUG into a virtual event. The conference has actually been running since July 20, 2020, when the event kicked off, with new content (labs, workshops, and sessions) being released every week since.
What this means to you is that there is still time to take advantage of all the great, online Db2 content that IDUG has made available virtually! The IDUG Virtual Db2 Tech Conference is not free; there is a nominal cost of $199 to participate and attend. But this is a bargain considering the regular cost of attending an IDUG event (not just the event cost, but also travel and lodging).
I've been participating in the event for the past couple weeks and I have to say, there is great content available. It may be a bit more difficult to stay focused on the event as you participate from your home office, though. At least, I found it to be. There are interruptions and distractions that are not there when you participate live, on-site. Furthermore, the camaraderie of an in-person event is lost when it is just you and your computer. 
But these are minor quibbles. Overall, there is a lot of great stuff on offer from this virtual IDUG event that make it well worth the nominal fee being charged. The event includes 60+ sessions, live Q&A with industry experts and leaders, opportunities for engagement with your favorite vendors and each other, and most importantly, cutting-edge technical education streaming straight to your home or office. Your registration also includes a complimentary premium membership so you can access exclusive IDUG content all year long.  
One final thing to share with you is that my pre-recorded session, The Plight of the Modern DBA, will be available starting Monday, August 9, 2020 at 8:00 AM Easter time. I hope you'll take the time to give it a listen and share your thoughts with me. I’ll be participating in a Q&A session on Friday, August 14, 2020, at 2:15 PM Eastern time, so you can stop by and ask anything you'd like!
More information on the 2020 IDUG virtual Db2 Tech Conference can be found here.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Webinar: DevOps and Database Change Management for Db2 for z/OS - August 13, 2019

DevOps practices are gaining popularity on all development platforms and the mainframe is no exception. DevOps relies heavily on agile development and automated software delivery. However, the ability to integrate and orchestrate database changes has lagged. To learn more about DevOps, change management, and Db2 for z/OS, I am delivering a webinar on this topic along with John Barry of BMC. We will discusses issues including an overview of DevOps, the requirements for database change management, and an introduction to BMC’s new AMI DevOps for Db2 that solves the change management dilemma for Db2 for z/OS development. You can register today to attend the webinar on August 13, 2019 (Noon Central) at

Friday, March 09, 2018

On Leaky Pipes and DBAs

How is a plumber like a DBA? 

I was working in my backyard a couple of weekends ago, trying to find the cause of a leak. You see, there was a big puddle of water in the backyard, it hadn’t rained lately, and it was larger than the sprinklers could’ve made. Down here in Texas almost everyone has a sprinkler system -- you kind of have to or your grass and plants will die and your house might come down with foundation problems. So everything has to stay somewhat "moist."

Anyway, it was obvious I had a problem. So I was turning water on and off and running the sprinkler and the hose and then I stopped. And started to think like a DBA. 

What does that mean? 

Well, one of my cardinal rules whenever confronted with a database problem is to do one thing at a time -- otherwise, if you’ve made multiple changes how do you know which helped; and which might’ve hurt? You don’t. 

I had violated this rule in my backyard. So I went back to doing one thing at a time. I figured that would give me the best chance to actually find the problem. This approach might take longer but at least it has a chance of success.

Slowly I stepped through turning on and off valves. And then I realized unless there was a huge flow of water leaking somewhere that I might not even notice the leak. It made more sense to turn everything off and let the standing water evaporate. And that takes even more time.

And then I decided it was time to call in an expert. Let them worry about my pipes and leaks -- and I’ll worry about the database!

Note: The leak was caused by an underground pipe that the experts found quickly using equipment I didn't have (and didn't even know existed). Another good reason to leave things to the experts!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Digital Transformation and DB2 for z/OS: It’s Not Your Daddy’s DB2!

If you are a DBA who has been using DB2 for z/OS for a while you should have noticed that we are not doing things the same way we used to. DB2 is changing and we should be changing with it. If you are still using DB2 the same way you did 10 or 20 years ago, then you are definitely not adhering to industry best practices!
The same trends that are driving the digital explosion are also changing DB2 and the traditional role of the DBA. We are storing more data and different types of data for longer periods of time and in different ways than we have in the past.
And DB2 for z/OS keeps changing to adopt and embrace modern data management requirements and techniques. Whether it is modernizing storage with universal table spaces, embracing unstructured data in LOBs, or expanding the SQL language with new and more functionality, today’s DB2 looks a lot different than it did yesterday. Indeed, it is different – it is not your daddy’s DB2.
I’ve been writing a series of blog posts for BMC about this topic under the title It’s Not Your Daddy’s DB2!  You can find the first three blog posts in this series here: 1 2 3
But you can also attend a live webinar that BMC is sponsoring where I will talk about these issues. You can learn about:
·        Trends that influence the size and complexity of your DB2 environment and how this impacts data management
·        How to adapt to new DB2 data types and structures
·        Best practices and technologies for managing DB2 in the digital age
·        And BMC will share its next generation technology for managing the new world of DB2 for z/OS.

Learn how digital transformation will change the way your DBAs manage critical business needs. Attend this webinar on March 30, 2016, at 12:00 pm CT.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Midwest DB2 User Group (Dec 4, 2015)

Just a short blog post today to promote my upcoming speaking engagement at the Midwest DB2 User Group, in Chicago. If you are in or around the Chicagoland area on December 4th, 2015 I invite you to stop by and participate in the meeting!

The meeting starts at Noon and a free lunch is provided. I will be giving one of the 3 presentations that day. My presentation is titled Database and DB2 Trends circa 2015 - An overview of an industry in transition.... This is an ever-changing presentation that I have delivered on several occasions in the past, but not in exactly the same way. This pitch provides an overview of the transformation of data management over the course of the past few years. I discuss Big Data, analytics, NoSQL, and their impact on the modern data architecture and DB2 for z/OS in particular. 

But that is not the only highlight of this event. Sheryl M. Larsen, now with BMC Software, will regale the group with the results of BMC's Annual Mainframe Research Survey. BMC started their mainframe survey ten years ago as a way to gain insight into the issues and challenges facing mainframe customers. And it always contains a lot of useful information and details for those of us in the business of mainframe computing.

The third speaker is Tim Lenahan, who I've been told will be presenting something a little bit different this time around. And having heard Tim speak in the past, I'm looking forward to what he has to say now!

So if you are going to be near Chicago in early December, register and attend the MWDUG meeting. I'm sure it will be worth your time!

Hope to see you there!

Friday, January 09, 2015

New Skills Required of Internet DBAs

When DBAs transition from supporting internal applications only, to Internet-exposed applications, there are a lot of additional skills required to ensure success. Some of these skills are obvious, like the need to understand the protocols of the Internet including HTTP and FTP and how data is transferred across the Internet. Others, are more business-focused, such as the impact of clients accessing your data over the Web from anywhere at any time. Still others are bit more esoteric, like knowledge of the basic tools used for web development including CGI, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), and how URLs are structured. You should also bone up on Web-development methods and technologies like JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), XML, and the like. 
    If Java is used, the DBA must develop a working knowledge of the language and how databases are accessed using SQL with Java. This is needed for design, development, and tuning of Java-based web-enabled database applications.

    There are several additional skills that will make you a better Internet-using-DBA that should top the list of things to learn before your try to support Web-enabled database applications as a DBA. Compliance and security should top that list. Learn about SQL injection attacks and how to prevent them. Learn about protecting your data using all of the capabilities of your DBMS including trusted context, data masking, row permissions, views, and label-based access control. Learn about the encryption capabilities of your DBMS, O/S and hardware -- and what encrypting data might mean regarding efficient data access. Also, knowledge of Internet security technologies like SSL, firewalls, and network/OS security will prove to be useful.

    You must also obtain knowledge on the connections from DB2 to the Internet.  This requires knowing how connections are configured and how TCP/IP is setup, configured, and administered.

    Another good idea is to gain a working knowledge of the operating system for the server on which your Web server is running. This facilitates easier monitoring and tuning for performance  problems. If you are a z/OS DB2 DBA, this will likely require you to get out of your comfort zone and dig into Linux or some variant of Unix.

    It can also be worthwhile to develop a better understanding of highly available RAID storage technologies in use for most 24x7 Internet applications.

    Of course, having a clear understanding of the business functionality that is being achieved via the web-enabled databases in your organization is also vitally important. Only by understanding the business impact of database downtime can the appropriate administrative techniques be deployed to maintain constant availability.

    I don't imagine that this is a 100 percent complete list of thing-you-need-to-know, but it is probably a good place to start your learning adventure. Let me know what I might have missed by adding your comments below! 

    And if you already support Internet access to your databases and you don't feel up-to-date on these items, then it is definitely time to get cracking!

    Wednesday, December 10, 2014

    An Extra DBA Rule of Thumb

    Last year on the blog I posted a series of 12 DBA Rules of Thumb. As a quick reminder, these Rules of Thumb - or ROTS, are some general rules of the road that apply to the management discipline of Database Administration that I have collected over the years. These ROTs are broadly applicable to all DBAs, even though this is a DB2-focused blog.

    Please click on the link in the paragraph above if you need a refresher on the DBA ROTs from last year.

    The purpose of today's blog post is to suggest an additional Rule of Thumb... and that is to Diversify!  A good DBA is a Jack-of-All-Trades. 

    You can’t just master one thing and be successful in this day-and-age. The DBA maintains production, QA and test environments, monitors application development projects, attends strategy and design meetings, selects and evaluates new products, and connects legacy systems to the Web.
    And if all of that is not enough, to add to the chaos, DBAs are expected to know everything about everything. From technical and business jargon to the latest management and technology fads and trends, the DBA is expected to be “in the know.” For example, the DBA must be up on trends like Big Data and Analytics.
    And do not expect any private time: A DBA must be prepared for interruptions at any time to answer any type of question… and not just about databases, either.
    When application problems occur, the database environment is frequently the first thing blamed. The database is “guilty until proven innocent.” And the DBA is expected to be there to fix things. That means the DBA is often forced to prove that the database is not the source of the problem. The DBA must know enough about all aspects of IT to track down errors and exonerate the DBMS and database structures he has designed. So he must be an expert in database technology, but also have semi-expert knowledge of the IT components with which the DBMS interacts: application programming languages, operating systems, network protocols and products, transaction processors, every type of computer hardware imaginable, and more. The need to understand such diverse elements makes the DBA a very valuable resource. It also makes the job interesting and challenging.
    To summarize, the DBA must be a Jack-of-all-Trades... and a master of several!!!

    Thursday, October 09, 2014

    Database System Performance Tools

    System performance tools examine the database server, its configuration, and usage. The most commonly used system performance tool is the performance monitor. Database performance monitoring and analysis tools support many types of performance-oriented requests in many ways. For example, system performance tools can operate:
    • In the background mode as a batch job that reports on performance statistics written by the DBMS trace facility
    • In the foreground mode as an online monitor that either traps trace information or captures information from the DBMS control blocks as applications execute
    • By sampling the database kernel and user address spaces as the program runs and by capturing information about the performance of the job, independent of database traces
    • By capturing database trace information and maintaining it in a history file (or table) for producing historical performance reports and for predicting performance trends
    • As a capacity planning device that gives statistical information about an application and the environment in which it will operate
    • As an after-the-fact analysis tool on a workstation, that analyzes and graphs all aspects of application performance and system-wide performance

    Each database performance monitor supports one or more of these features. The evaluation of database performance monitors is a complex task. Sometimes more than one performance monitor is used at a single site—perhaps one for batch reporting and another for online event monitoring. Maybe an enterprise-wide monitoring solution has been implemented and one component of that solution is a database module that monitors your DBMS, but it lacks the details of a more sophisticated DBMS monitor. So, another performance monitor is purchased for daily DBA usage, while the module of the enterprise-wide monitoring solution is used for integrated monitoring by system administrators.

    Modern database performance tools can set performance thresholds that, once reached, will alert the DBA, perform another task to report on, or actually fix the problem. These tools are typically agent-based. An agent is a piece of independent code that runs on the database server looking for problems. It interacts with, but does not rely on, a console running on another machine that is viewed by the DBA. This agent architecture enables efficient database monitoring because the agent is not tied to a workstation and can act independently. The agent sends information to the DBA only when required.

    Additionally, some system performance tools are available that focus on a specific component of the DBMS such as the buffer pools (data cache). Such a tool can be used to model the memory requirements for database caching, to capture data cache utilization statistics, and perhaps even to make recommendations for improving the performance of the buffers.

    Another type of performance optimization tool enables database configuration parameters to be changed without recycling the DBMS instance, subsystem, or server. These tools are useful when the changes require the DBMS to be stopped and restarted. Such tools can dramatically improve availability, especially if configuration parameters need to be changed frequently and the DBMS does not support dynamic parameter modification.

    A few ISVs provide invasive system performance tools that enhance the performance of databases by adding functionality directly to the DBMS and interacting with the database kernel. Typically, these products take advantage of known DBMS shortcomings.

    For example, products are available that enhance the performance of reading a database page or block or that optimize data caching by providing additional storage and control over buffers and their processing. Care must be taken when evaluating invasive performance tools. New releases of the DBMS may negate the need for these tools because functionality has been added or known shortcomings have been corrected. However, this does not mean that you should not consider invasive database performance tools. They can pay for themselves after only a short period of time. Discarding the tool when the DBMS supports its functionality is not a problem if the tool has already paid for itself in terms of better performance.

    One final caution: Because invasive performance tools can interact very closely with the database kernel, be careful when migrating to a new DBMS release or a new release of the tool. Extra testing should be performed with these tools because of their intrusive nature.

    Friday, July 25, 2014

    Happy DBA Day!

    Hey everybody, time to celebrate... today, July 25, 2014 is SysAdmin day! For the past 15 years, the last Friday in June has been set aside to recognize the hard work done by System Administrators. This is known as System Administrator Appreciation Day

    As a DBA, I have regularly co-opted the day to include DBAs because, after all, we are a special type of system administrator -- the system we administer is the DBMS!

    So if you are a SysAdmin, DBA, Network Admin, etc. have an extra cup of Joe and a donut or two. Hang up a sign on your cubicle telling people it is SysAdmin Day. And hopefully get a little respect and appreciation for all you do every day of the year!

    Thursday, July 17, 2014

    DB2 Health Checks - Part 1

    Left to their own devices, DB2 databases and applications will accumulate problems over time. Things that used to work, stop working. This can happen for various reasons including the addition of more data, a reduction in some aspect of business data, different types of data, more users, changes in busy periods, business shifts, software changes, hardware changes… you get the idea.

    And there is always the possibility of remnants from the past causing issues with your DB2 environment. Some things may have been implemented sub-optimally from the start, perhaps many years ago… or perhaps more recently. Furthermore, DB2 is not a static piece of software; it changes over time with new versions, features and functionality. As new capabilities are introduced, older means of performing similar functionality become suboptimal, and in some cases, even obsolete. Identifying these artifacts can be troublesome and is not likely to be something that a DBA will do on a daily basis.

    Nonetheless, the performance and availability of your DB2 environment – and therefore the business systems that rely on DB2 – can suffer if you do not pay attention to the health and welfare of your DB2 databases and applications.

    Health Checking Your DB2
    The general notion of a health check is well known in the IT world, especially within the realm of DB2 for z/OS. The purpose of a DB2 health check is to assess the stability, performance, and availability of your DB2 environment. Health checks are conducted by gathering together all of the pertinent details about your DB2-based systems and reviewing them to ascertain their appropriateness and effectiveness. You may narrow down a health check to focus on specific aspects of your infrastructure, for example, concentrating on just availability and performance, or on other aspects such as recoverability, security, and so on.

    At any rate, scheduling regular independent reviews of your DB2 environment is an important aspect of assuring the viability and robustness of your implementation. Simply migrating DB2 applications to production and then neglecting to review them until or unless there are complaints from the end users is not a best practice for delivering good service to your business. Just like a car requires regular maintenance, so too does your DB2 environment. Regular analysis and health check with an overall goal should of identifying weaknesses and targeting inefficiencies, can save your organization time and money, as well as reduce the daily effort involved in implementing and maintaining your DB2 applications.

    Think about the health of your DB2 system the same way you think about your health. A regular health check helps to identify and eliminate problems. And it helps you to perform the daily operational tasks on your DB2 databases and applications with the peace of mind that only regular, in-depth, knowledgeable analysis can deliver.

    Check Back Soon
    Later in this series we'll uncover more aspects of health checking and look at some software that might be able to assist. So stay tuned...

    Monday, June 16, 2014

    Don't Forget the Humble DB2 DISPLAY Command

    Although robust performance and administration tools are probably the best solution for gathering information about your DB2 subsystems and databases, you can gain significant insight into your DB2 environment simply using the DISPLAY command.  There are multiple variations of the DISPLAY command depending on the type of information you are looking for.

    DISPLAY DATABASE is probably the most often-used variation of the DISPLAY command. The output of the basic command shows the status of the database objects specified, along with any exception states. For example, issuing -DISPLAY DATABASE(DBNAME) shows details on the DBNAME database, including information about its tablespaces and indexes. With one simple command you can easily find all of the tablespaces and indexes within any database — pretty powerful stuff. But you also get status information for each space, too. When a status other than RO or RW is encountered, the object is in an indeterminate state or is being processed by a DB2 utility.

    There are additional options that can be used with DISPLAY DATABASE. For partitioned page sets, you can specify which partition, or range of partitions, to show. And you can choose to display only objects in restricted or advisory status using either the ADVISORY or RESTRICT key word.

    You can control the amount of output generated by DISPLAY DATABASE using the LIMIT parameter. The default number of lines returned by the DISPLAY command is 50, but the LIMIT parameter can be used to set the maximum number of lines returned to any numeric value; or you can use an asterisk (*) to indicate no limit.

    Moving on, the DISPLAY BUFFERPOOL command provides the current status and allocation information for each buffer pool. The output includes the number of pages assigned to each pool, whether the pages have been allocated, and the current settings for the sequential steal and deferred write thresholds. For additional information on buffer pools you can specify the DETAIL parameter to return usage information such as number of GETPAGEs, prefetch usage, and synchronous reads. You can use this data for rudimentary buffer pool tuning.

    You can gather even more information about your buffer pools using the LIST and LSTATS parameters. The LIST parameter shows open table spaces and indexes within the specified buffer pools; the LSTATS parameter shows statistics for the table spaces and indexes. Statistical information is reset each time DISPLAY with LSTATS is issued, so the statistics are as of the last time LSTATS was issued. 

    If you are charged with running (IBM) DB2 utilities, another useful command is DISPLAY UTILITY. Issuing this command causes DB2 to display the status of all active, stopped, or terminating utilities. So, if you are in over the weekend running REORGs, RUNSTATS, or image copies, you can issue occasional DISPLAY UTILITY commands to keep up-to-date on the status of your jobs. By monitoring the current phase of the utility and matching this information with the utility phase information, you can determine the relative progress of the utility as it processes. The COUNT specified for each phase lists the number of pages that have been loaded, unloaded, copied, or read.

    You can use the DISPLAY LOG command to display information about the number of active logs, their current capacity, and the setting of the LOGLOAD parameter. For archive logs, use the DISPLAY ARCHIVE command.

    DISPLAY is helpful, too, if your organization uses stored procedures or user-defined functions (UDFs). DISPLAY PROCEDURE monitors whether procedures are currently started or stopped, how many requests are currently executing, the high-water mark for requests, how many requests are queued, how many times a request has timed out, and the WLM environment in which the stored procedure executes. And you can use the DISPLAY FUNCTION SPECIFIC command to monitor UDF statistics.

    DISPLAY also returns a status indicating the state of each procedure or UDF. A procedure or UDF can be in one of four potential states: STARTED, STOPQUE (requests are queued), STOPREJ (requests are rejected), or STOPABN (requests are rejected because of abnormal termination).
    And there remains a wealth of additional information that the DISPLAY command can uncover. For distributed environments, DISPLAY DDF shows configuration and status information, as well as statistical details on distributed connections and threads; DISPLAY LOCATION shows distributed threads details; DISPLAY PROFILE shows whether profiling is active or inactive; DISPLAY GROUP provides details of data-sharing groups (including the version of DB2 for each member) and DISPLAY GROUPBUFFERPOOL shows information about the status of DB2 group buffer pools; DISPLAY RLIMIT provides the status of the resource limit facility; DISPLAY THREAD display active and in-doubt connections to DB2; and DISPLAY TRACE lists your active trace types and classes along with the specified destinations for each.

    If you are looking for some additional, more in-depth details on the DISPLAY command, take a look at this series of blog posts I wrote last year:
    • Part 1 of the series focused on using DISPLAY to monitor details about your database objects; 
    • Part 2 focused on using DISPLAY to monitor your DB2 buffer pools;
    • Part 3 covered utility execution and log information;
    • And Part 4 examined using the DISPLAY command to monitor DB2 stored procedures and user-defined functions.


    The DB2 DISPLAY command is indeed a powerful and simple tool that can be used to gather a wide variety of details about your DB2 subsystems and databases. Every DBA should know how to use DISPLAY and its many options to simplify their day-to-day duties and job tasks.

    Saturday, February 01, 2014

    The Twelve DBA Rules of Thumb... a summary

    Over the past couple of months this blog has offered up some rules of thumb for DBAs to follow that can help you to build a successful and satisfying career as a DBA. These twelve rules of thumb worked well for me as I worked my way through my career and I have shared them with you, my faithful readers, so that you can benefit from my experiences. I hope you find them useful... and if I have missed anything, please post a comment with your thoughts and experiences on being a good DBA.

    As a reminder of what we have discussed, I am posting a short synopsis of the Twelves DBA Rules of Thumb here, along with links to each blog post.

     1. Write Down Everything
     2. Automate Routine Tasks
     3. Share Your Knowledge
     4. Analyze, Simplify and Focus
     5. Don't Panic!
     6. Be Prepared
     7. Don't Be a Hermit
     8. Understand the Business, Not Just the Technology
     9. Ask for Help When You Need It
    10. Keep Up-to-Date
    11. Invest in Yourself
    12. Be a Packrat

    Good luck with your career as a DBA...

    Saturday, January 25, 2014

    DBA Rules of Thumb - Part 12 (Be a Packrat)

    Today's post in the DBA Rules of Thumb series is short and sweet. It can be simply stated as "Keep Everything!"

    Database administration is the perfect job for you if you are a pack rat.

    It is a good practice to keep everything you come across during the course of performing your job. When you slip up and throw something away, it always seems like you come across a task the very next day where that stuff would have come in handy... but you you threw it out!

    I still own some printed manuals for DB2 Version 2. They are packed up in a plastic tub in my garage, but I have them in case I need them.

    Tuesday, January 21, 2014

    DBA Rules of Thumb - Part 11 (Invest in Yourself)

    Most IT professionals continually look for their company to invest money in their ongoing education. Who among us does not want to learn something new — on company time and with the company’s money? Unless you are self-employed, that is!

    Yes, your company should invest some funds to train you on new technology and new capabilities, especially if it is asking you to do new things. And since technology changes so fast, most everyone has to learn something new at some point every year. But the entire burden of learning should not be placed on your company.

    Budget some of your own money to invest in your career. After all, you probably won’t be working for the same company your entire career. Why should your company be forced to bankroll your entire ongoing education? Now, I know, a lot depends on your particular circumstances. Sometimes we accept a lower salary than we think we are worth because of the “perks” that are offered. And one of those perks can be training. But perks have a way of disappearing once you are "on the job."

    Some folks simply abhor spending any of their hard-earned dollars to help advance their careers. This is not a reasonable approach to your career! Shelling out a couple of bucks to buy some new books, subscribe to a publication, or join a professional organization should not be out of the reach of most DBAs.

    A willingness to spend some money to stay abreast of technology is a trait that DBAs need to embrace. 

    Most DBAs are insatiably curious, and many are willing to invest some of their money to learn something new. Maybe they bought that book on NoSQL before anyone at their company started using it. Perhaps it is just that enviable bookshelf full of useful database books in their cubicle. Or maybe they paid that nominal fee to subscribe to the members-only content of that SQL Server portal. They could even have forked over the $25 fee to attend the local user group.

    Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that companies should not reimburse for such expenses. They should, because it provides for better-rounded, more educated, and more useful employees. But if your employer won’t pay for something that you think will help your career, why not just buy it yourself?

    And be sure to keep a record of such purchases because unreimbursed business expenses can be tax deductible. 

    Sunday, January 12, 2014

    DBA Rules of Thumb - Part 10 (Keep Up-to-Date)

    If you wish to be a successful DBA for a long period of time, you will have to keep up-to-date on all kinds of technology — both database-related and other.

    Of course, as a DBA, your first course of action should be to be aware of all of the features and functions available in the DBMSs in use at your site — at least at a high level, but preferably in depth. Read the vendor literature on future releases as it becomes available to prepare for new functionality before you install and migrate to new DBMS releases. The sooner you know about new bells and whistles, the better equipped you will be to prepare new procedures and adopt new policies to support the new features.

    Keep up-to-date on technology in general, too. For example, DBAs should understand new data-related technologies such as NoSQL, Hadoop, and predictive analytics, but also other newer technologies that interact with database systems. Don’t ignore industry and technology trends simply because you cannot immediately think of a database-related impact. Many non-database-related “things” (for example, XML) eventually find their way into DBMS software and database applications.

    Keep up-to-date on industry standards — particularly those that impact database technology such as the SQL standard. Understanding these standards before the new features they engender have been incorporated into your DBMS will give you an edge in their management. DBMS vendors try to support industry standards, and many features find their way into the DBMS because of their adoption of an industry standard.

    As we've already discussed in this series, one way of keeping up-to-date is by attending local and national user groups. The presentations delivered at these forums provide useful education. Even more important, though, is the chance to network with other DBAs to share experiences and learn from each other’s projects.

    Through judicious use of the Internet and the Web, it is easier than ever before for DBAs to keep up-to-date. Dozens of useful and informative Web sites provide discussion forums, script libraries, articles, manuals, and how-to documents. Consult my web site at for a regularly-updated  list of DBMS, data, and database-related Web resources.

    Remember, though, this is just a starting point. There are countless ways that you can keep-up-to-date on technology. Use every avenue at your disposal to do so, or risk becoming obsolete.

    Sunday, January 05, 2014

    DBA Rules of Thumb - Part 9 (Call on Others for Help When Needed)

    Use All of the Resources at Your Disposal

    Remember that you do not have to do everything yourself. Use the resources at your disposal. We have talked about some of those resources, such as articles and books, Web sites and scripts, user groups and conferences. But there are others.

    Do not continue to struggle with problems when you are completely stumped. Some DBAs harbor the notion that they have to resolve every issue themselves in order to be successful. Sometimes you just need to know where to go to get help to solve the problem. Use the DBMS vendor’s technical support, as well as the technical support line of your DBA tool vendors. Consult internal resources for areas where you have limited experience, such as network specialists for network and connectivity problems, system administrators for operating system and system software problems, and security administrators for authorization and protection issues.

    As a DBA you are sometimes thought of as "knowing everything" (or worse a know-it-all), but it is far more important to know where to go to get help to solve problems than it is to try to know everything there is to know. Let's face it... it is just not possible to know everything about database systems and making them work with all types of applications and users these days.

    When you go to user groups, build a network of DBA colleagues whom you can contact for assistance. Many times others have already encountered and solved the problem that vexes you. A network of DBAs to call on can be an invaluable resource (and no one at your company even needs to know that you called for outside help).

    Finally, be sure to understand the resources available from your DBMS vendors. DBMS vendors offer their customers access to a tremendous amount of useful information. All of the DBMS vendors offer software support on their Web sites. Many of them provide a database that users can search to find answers to database problems. IBM customers can use IBMLink,[1] and both Oracle and Microsoft offer a searchable database in the support section of their Web sites. Some DBAs claim to be able to solve 95 percent or more of their problems by researching online databases. These resources can shrink the amount of time required to fix problems, especially if your DBMS vendor has a reputation of “taking forever” to respond to issues.

    Of course, every DBA should also be equipped with the DBMS vendor’s technical support phone number for those tough-to-solve problems. Some support is offered on a pay-per-call basis, whereas other times there is a prepaid support contract. Be sure you know how your company pays for support before calling the DBMS vendor. Failure to know this can result in your incurring significant support charges.

    [1].IBMLink is a proprietary network that IBM opens up only to its customers.

    Thursday, January 02, 2014

    DBA Rules of Thumb - Part 8 (Being Business Savvy)

    Understand the Business, Not Just the Technology

    Remember that being technologically adept is just a part of being a good DBA. Although technology is important, understanding your business needs is more important. If you do not understand the impact on the business of the databases you manage, you will simply be throwing technology around with no clear purpose.

    Business needs must dictate what technology is applied to what database—and to which applications. Using the latest and greatest (and most expensive) technology and software might be fun and technologically challenging, but it most likely will not be required for every database you implement. The DBA’s tools and utilities need to be tied to business strategies and initiatives. In this way, the DBA’s work becomes integrated with the goals and operations of the organization.
    The first step in achieving this needed synergy is the integration of DBA services with the other core components of the IT infrastructure. Of course, DBAs should be able to monitor and control the databases under their purview, but they should also be able to monitor them within the context of the broader spectrum of the IT infrastructure—including systems, applications, storage, and networks. Only then can companies begin to tie service-level agreements to business needs, rather than technology metrics.

    DBAs should be able to gain insight into the natural cycles of the business just by performing their job. Developers and administrators of other parts of the IT infrastructure will not have the vision into the busiest times of the day, week, quarter, or year because they are not privy to the actual flow of data from corporate business functions. But the DBA has access to that information as a component of performing the job. It is empowering to be able to understand business cycle information and apply it on the job.

    DBAs need to expand further to take advantage of their special position in the infrastructure. Talk to the end users — not just the application developers. Get a sound understanding of how the databases will be used before implementing any database design. Gain an understanding of the database’s impact on the company’s bottom line, so that when the inevitable problems occur in production you will remember the actual business impact of not having that data available. This also allows you to create procedures that minimize the potential for such problems.

    To fulfill the promise of business/IT integration, it will be necessary to link business services to the underlying technology. For example, a technician should be able to immediately comprehend that a service outage to transaction X7R2 in the PRD2 environment means that regional demand deposit customers cannot access their accounts. See the difference?

    Focusing on transactions, TP monitors, and databases is the core of the DBA’s job. But servicing customers is the reason the DBA builds those databases and manages those transactions. Technicians with an understanding of the business impact of technology decisions will do a better job of servicing the business strategy. This is doubly true for the DBA’s manager. Technology managers who speak in business terms are more valuable to their company.

    Of course, the devil is in the details. A key component of realizing effective business/IT integration for DBAs is the ability to link specific pieces of technology to specific business services. This requires a service impact management capability—that is, analyzing the technology required to power each critical business service and documenting the link. Technologies exist to automate some of this through event automation and service modeling. Such capabilities help to transform availability and performance data into detailed knowledge about the status of business services and service-level agreements.

    Today’s modern corporations need technicians who are cognizant of the business impact of their management decisions. As such, DBAs need to get busy transforming themselves to become more business savvy — that is, to keep an eye on the business impact of the technology under their span of control. 

    Friday, December 20, 2013

    DBA Rules of Thumb - Part 7 (Don't Become a Hermit!)

    Part 7 of our ongoing series on DBA Rules of Thumb is a short one on being accessible and approachable... in other words, Don't Be a Hermit!

    Sometimes DBAs are viewed as the "curmudgeon in the corner" -- you know the  type, don't bother "Neil," he'll just yell at you and call you stupid. Don't be like Neil!

    Instead, develop a good working relationship with the application developers. Don’t isolate yourself in your own little DBA corner of the world. The more you learn about what the applications do and the application requirements, the better you can adjust and tune the databases to support those applications.

    A DBA should be accessible. Don’t be one of those DBAs whom everyone is afraid to approach. The more you are valued for your expertise and availability, the more valuable you are to your company.

    Sunday, December 15, 2013

    DBA Rules of Thumb - Part 6 (Preparation)

    Measure Twice, Cut Once

    Being prepared means analyzing, documenting, and testing your DBA policies and procedures. Creating procedures in a vacuum without testing will do little to help you run an efficient database environment. Moreover, it will not prepare you to react rapidly and effectively to problem situations.

    The old maxim applies: Measure twice, cut once. In the case of DBA procedures, this means analyze, test, and then apply. Analyze your environment and the business needs of the databases to create procedures and policies that match those needs. Test those procedures. Finally, apply them to the production databases.

      DBAs must be calm amid stress.

    DBAs must prepare for every situation that can be reasonably thought to have the potential to occur...

    ...and when the unthinkable occurs, the DBA remains logical and thorough in collecting details, ferreting out the root cause of the problem, and taking only the necessary actions to remediate the problem.

    This Rule of Thumb ties in nicely with the last one (Don't Panic!)... Every action you take should be planned and implemented with a calm disposition. Analysis and preparation are the friend of the DBA. The last thing you want to do is rage into a problem scenario making changes like gunslinger who acts first and worries about the consequences later.

    Monday, December 09, 2013

    DBA Rules of Thumb - Part 5 (Don’t Panic!)

    Way back in the early 1990s when I was working as a DBA I had a button pinned up in my cubicle that read in large letters “DON’T PANIC!” If I recall correctly, I got it for free inside a game from back in those days based on “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” When I left my job as a DBA to go to work for a software company I bequeathed that button to a friend of mine (Hello, Chris!) who was taking over my duties… for all I know, he still has that button pinned up in his office.

    But the ability to forgo panicking is a very important quality in a DBA.

    A calm disposition and the ability to remain cool under strenuous conditions are essential to the makeup of a good DBA. Problems will occur—nothing you can do can eliminate every possible problem or error. Part of your job as a DBA is to be able to react to problems with a calm demeanor and analytical disposition.

    When a database is down and applications are unavailable, your environment will become hectic and frazzled. The best things you can do when problems occur are to remain calm and draw on your extensive knowledge and training. As the DBA, you will be the focus of the company (or at least the business units affected) until the database and applications are brought back online. It can be a harrowing experience to recover a database with your boss and your users hovering behind your computer terminal and looking over your shoulder. Be prepared for such events, because eventually they will happen. Panic can cause manual errors—the last thing you want to happen when you are trying to recover from an error.

    The more comprehensive your planning and the better your procedures, the faster you will be able to resolve problems. Furthermore, if you are sure of your procedures, you will remain much calmer.

    So Don’t Panic!