Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Identifying Unused Indexes

Did you know that DB2 V9 added a new column to the Real Time Statistics to help identify unused indexes?

The LASTUSED column in the SYSINDEXSPACESTATS table contains a date indicating the last time the index was used. Any time the index is used to satisfy a SELECT, FETCH, searched UPDATE, searched DELETE, or to enforce a referential constraint, the date is updated.

This helps to solve the problem of determining whether or not an index is being used. Standard operating advice is to DROP or delete anything that is not going to be used. But trying to determine whether something is actually used or not can be difficult at times.

You could always query your PLAN_TABLEs or the plan and package dependency tables in the DB2 Catalog for static SQL. But what about dynamic SQL? That is more difficult. Now, as of DB2 V9, you can simply query the LASTUSED column to see when the index was last used. The LASTUSED date is by partition. So, for a partitioned index, the last used date of each partition in the index should be checked.

Of course, you will have to give it some time because you might have an index supporting a rarely used query. Most shops have queries and programs that run quarterly, or even annually, but nevertheless are very important... and you wouldn't want to drop indexes on those queries even though they do not run frequently because when they do run, they are important...

Examine the LASTUSED column over time to determine which indexes are truly not being used, and then DROP the unused indexes.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Update on DB2 Developer's Guide, 6th edition

I know a lot of my readers are waiting on the updated edition of my book, DB2 Developer's Guide, so I thought I'd post a short update on the progress. The technical edits are over and production will be starting soon. The book is scheduled now for publication in early May 2012 and is available to be pre-ordered now on amazon com.

The book has been completely updated and is now up-to-date with DB2 10 for z/OS. Just think of the things that have been added to DB2 since the last time the book was updated: Universal table spaces, pureXML, SECADM, hashes, new data types, INSTEAD OF triggers, temporal support, and much, much more.

Consider pre-ordering a copy today so you'll get it as soon as it comes off the presses!