Showing posts with label data types. Show all posts
Showing posts with label data types. Show all posts

Thursday, July 06, 2023

Top 10 Db2 Performance Tips - No. 2: Optimize Database Design

A well-designed database schema forms the foundation of a high-performing and efficient IBM Db2 database... and therefore, also serves as the basic starting point for efficient Db2 applications. The importance of optimizing the database design cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts query performance, data integrity, and overall system efficiency.

The Logical Data Model

The first step toward a proper database design is the creation of a logical data model. Before implementing databases of any sort, it is imperative to first develop a sound model of the data to be used. Novice database developers frequently begin with the quick-and-dirty approach to database implementation. They approach database design from a programming perspective. Because novices often lack experience with databases and data requirements gathering, they attempt to design databases like the flat files they are accustomed to using. This is a major mistake. Indeed, most developers using this approach quickly discover problems after the databases and applications become operational in a production environment. At a minimum, performance will suffer and data may not be as readily available as required. At worst, data integrity problems and/or performance problems may arise, rendering the entire application unusable.

The goal of a data model is to record the data requirements of a business process. The scope of the data model for each line of business must be comprehensive. A data model serves as lexicon for the data needs of the business... and as a blueprint for the physical implementation of the structures of the database.

A key component of building a proper data model is to ensure proper normalization. 


Normalization reduces data redundancy and inconsistencies by ensuring that the data elements are designed appropriately. A series of normalization rules are applied to the entities and data elements, each of which is called a “normal form.” If the data conforms to the first rule, the data model is said to be in “first normal form,” and so on.

A database design in First Normal Form (1NF) will have no repeating groups and each instance of an entity can be identified by a primary key. For Second Normal Form (2NF), instances of an entity must not depend on anything other than the primary key for that entity. Third Normal Form (3NF) removes data elements that do not depend on the primary key. If the contents of a group of data elements can apply to more than a single entity instance, those data elements belong in a separate entity.

This is a quick and dirty introduction to normalization, and there are further levels of normalization not discussed here in order to keep the discussion moving along. For an introductory discussion of normalization visit

The bottom line is that normalization reduces data redundancy and improves data integrity by organizing data into logical entities and minimizing data duplication. By carefully analyzing the business requirements and applying normalization principles, database designers can create tables that are lean, efficient, and accurately represent the data model.


Optimizing relationships between tables is another critical aspect of database design. Relationships, such as primary key-foreign key associations, define the logical connections between tables. This too, should be evident in the logical data model, which is frequently depicted as an entity/relationship diagram. 

Choosing appropriate indexing strategies, enforcing referential integrity, and carefully considering the cardinality and selectivity of relationships are crucial steps to ensure efficient query processing and join operations.

From Logical to Physical

Assuming you have a well-designed logical data model, the first step in moving to a physical database design is the process of transforming that logical data model into an actual physical database. The first step is to create an initial physical data model by transforming the logical data model into a physical implementation based on an understanding of the DBMS being used for deployment. To successfully create a physical database design you will need to have a good working knowledge of the features of the DBMS including:

  • In-depth knowledge of the database objects supported by the DBMS and the physical structures and files required to support those objects.

  • Details regarding the manner in which the DBMS supports indexing, referential integrity, constraints, data types, and other features that augment the functionality of database objects.

  • Detailed knowledge of new and obsolete features for particular versions or releases of the DBMS to be used.

  • Knowledge of the DBMS configuration parameters that are in place.

  • Data definition language (DDL) skills to translate the physical design into actual database objects.

Armed with the correct information, you can create an effective and efficient database from a logical data model. The first step in transforming a logical data model into a physical model is to perform a simple translation from logical terms to physical objects. Of course, this simple transformation will not result in a complete and correct physical database design – it is simply the first step. The transformation consists of the following:

  • Transforming entities into tables

  • Transforming attributes into columns

  • Transforming domains into data types and constraints

Data Types

To support the mapping of attributes to table columns you will need to map each logical domain of the attribute to a physical data type and perhaps additional constraints. In a physical database, each column must be assigned a data type. 

Selecting appropriate data types is vital for optimizing database design. Choosing the right data types can have a significant impact on storage requirements, query performance, and overall system efficiency. By selecting data types that accurately represent the data and minimize storage overhead, such as using integer types instead of character types for numeric values, assuring that date and time data use appropriate data/time data types, and choosing wisely between the various text and character data types for each column helps to improve data integrity, optimize storage utilization, and improve query execution speed.


Furthermore, you will need to implement appropriate constraints, such as primary keys, unique constraints, and foreign keys. This enhances data integrity and query performance. Furthermore, additional constraints such as check constraints and nullability enable the DBMS to better enforce data integrity, instead of leaving it to application code written at a later time. Constraints enforce data consistency rules, ensure referential integrity, and provide the optimizer with valuable information for query optimization.

An Iterative Process

It is worth mentioning that database design optimization is an iterative process that should consider not only the current requirements but also the future growth and scalability of the system. Regularly reviewing and revisiting the database design as the application evolves can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that the database remains optimized over time.


In conclusion, a well-designed database schema is fundamental to achieving optimal performance for your database applications. By focusing on strategies such as normalization, relationship optimization, appropriate data types, and constraints, database designers can create a robust and efficient database environment. Optimizing the database design not only enhances query performance and data integrity but also lays the groundwork for scalability and adaptability as the system evolves.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Choosing Between DECIMAL and FLOAT Data Types

DB2 can use both DECIMAL and FLOAT data types to store non-integer numeric data. But the two are not equivalent. In general, use DECIMAL instead of FLOAT whenever you can. The main problem with floating point numbers is that they are not precise. DECIMAL values are precise. In other words, a FLOAT value will be an approximate value whereas a DECIMAL value will be an exact value.

At times, if 100 percent precision is not required, you might want to use floating point numbers to save on storage. DB2 provides a parameter to size the floating point column; n where the data type specification is FLOAT(n). If n is between 1 and 21, this is a single precision floating point number and the column will require 4 bytes of storage; if n is between 22 and 53, this is a double precision floating point number and it will require 8 bytes to store it. A single precision floating-point number is a short (32 bits) floating-point number. A double precision floating-point number is a long (64 bits) floating-point number.

For DECIMAL columns, the byte count is calculated as INTEGER(p/2)+1; where p is the precision of the DECIMAL column. So, a DECIMAL(10,2) column will require (10/2)+1 bytes = 6 bytes. An approximation of the same number could be stored in a FLOAT(21) column that would require only 4 bytes of storage.

For very large or very small numbers, though, you will have to use FLOAT columns. This is so because there is a limit of 31 on decimal precision. The following outlines the largest and smallest values that can be supported using DECIMAL and FLOAT data types:

  •   Smallest FLOAT value is about -7.2**75
  •   Largest FLOAT value is about 7.2**75
  •   Smallest positive FLOAT value is about 5.4**-79
  •   Largest negative FLOAT value is about -5.4**-79
  •   Smallest DECIMAL value is 1 – 10**31
  •   Largest DECIMAL value is 10**31 - 1

Note that the values for floating point numbers are approximations. The ** is used to indicate “raised to the power of”.

If you are moving the between platforms, there is an additional concern when using FLOAT. Mainframes use an IBM standard whereas other platforms use different standards. Since floating point numbers are imprecise to begin with this may not be a problem. However, if you want to make sure that a particular column will be exactly the same value regardless of platform, then floating point is not the way to go. 

There is a third, newer option called DECFLOAT. Introduced in DB2 9 for z/OS, DECFLOAT is a combination of the two data types discussed here, or a decimal floating-point data type. Specified as DECFLOAT(n), where the value of n can be either 16 or or 34, representing the number of significant digits that can be stored. If the n is not specified, then the DECFLOAT column can represent 34 significant digits.

A decimal floating-point value is an IEEE 754r number with a decimal point. The maximum precision is 34 digits and the range of a DECFLOAT number is as follows:

DECFLOAT(16) value can range from a low of: 

to a high of:

And a DECFLOAT(34) value can range from a low of:
-9.999999999999999999999999999999999 ×10**6144

to a high of:
9.999999999999999999999999999999999 ×10**6144

In addition, the DECFLOAT data type can be used to represent several special values that represent "non-number numbers," as follows:

  • Infinity - a value that represents a number whose magnitude is infinitely large.
  • Quiet NaN - a value that represents undefined results which does not cause an invalid number condition. NaN is not a number.
  • Signaling NaN - a value that represents undefined results which will cause an invalid number condition if used in any numerical operation.

So decimal-floating point values can be more flexible and precise with the ability to range lower and higher than floating point values (or decimal values). However, before using DECFLOAT be careful and plan ahead. If you use COBOL programs to operate on your DB2 for z/OS data because there is no way to specify the SQL DECFLOAT data type in COBOL.

Monday, October 12, 2009

On The Importance of Choosing the Correct Data Type

Most DBAs have grappled with the pros and cons of choosing one data type versus another. Sometimes the decision is easy, whereas sometimes the decision is a little bit more difficult. In today's blog entry, we'll discuss both situations.

Data type and length are the most fundamental integrity constraints applied to data in a database. Simply by specifying the data type for each column when a table is created, DB2 automatically ensures that only the correct type of data is stored in that column. Processes that attempt to insert or update the data to a non-conforming value will be rejected. Furthermore, a maximum length is assigned to the column to prohibit larger values from being stored in the table.

The DBA must choose the data type and length of each column wisely. The general rule of thumb for choosing a data type for the columns in your tables is to choose the data type that most closely matches the domain of correct values for the column. That means you should try to adhere to the following rules:
  • If the data is numeric, favor SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, or DECIMAL data types. DECFLOAT and FLOAT are also options for very large numbers.
  • If the data is character, use CHAR or VARCHAR data types.
  • If the data is date and time, use DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP data types.
  • If the data is multimedia, use GRAPHIC, VARGRAPHIC, BLOB, CLOB, or DBCLOB data types.
But, of course, there are always exceptions. For example, what about social security number? That is a numeric column, but you won't be performing calculations using it. And, to format it correctly requires hyphens, which cannot be stored in a numeric data type. So, perhaps, SSN is an exception.

Leading Zeroes

Let's consider another typical situation: the desire to display leading zeroes. Maybe the application requires a four-byte code that is used to identify products, accounts, or some other business object, and all of the codes are numeric and will stay that way. But, for reporting purposes, the users want the codes to print out with leading zeroes. So, the users request that the column be defined as CHAR(4) to ensure that leading zeroes are always shown. But what are the drawbacks of doing this?

Well, there are drawbacks! Without proper edit checks, inserts and updates could place invalid alphabetic characters into the product code. This can be a very valid concern if ad hoc data modifications are permitted. This is rare in production databases, but data problems can still occur if the proper edit checks are not coded into every program that can modify the data. But let's assume that proper edit checks are coded and will never be bypassed. This removes the data integrity question (yeah, right!).

There is another problem that is related to performance and filter factors. Consider the possible number of values that a CHAR(4) column and a SMALLINT column can assume. Even if edit checks are coded for each, DB2 is not aware of these and assumes that all combinations of characters are permitted. DB2 uses base 37 math when it determines access paths for character columns, under the assumption that 26 alphabetic letters, 10 numeric digits, and a space will be used. This adds up to 37 possible characters. For a four-byte character column there are 374 or 1,874,161 possible values.

A SMALLINT column can range from -32,768 to 32,767 producing 65,536 possible small integer values. The drawback here is that negative or 5 digit product codes could be entered. However, if we adhere to our proper edit check assumption, the data integrity problems will be avoided here, as well. And we can always code a simple CHECK constraint to ensure that the code is always greater than zero.

DB2 will use the HIGH2KEY and LOW2KEY values to calculate filter factors. For character columns, the range between HIGH2KEY and LOW2KEY is larger than numeric columns because there are more total values. The filter factor will be larger for the numeric data type than for the character data type which may influence DB2 to choose a different access path. For this reason, favor the SMALLINT over the CHAR(4) definition.

The leading zeroes problem might be able to be solved using other methods. If you are using a report writer, most of them have quick methods of displaying leading zeroes. When using QMF, you can ensure that leading zeroes are shown by using the "J" edit code. Report programs can be coded to display leading zeroes easily enough by moving the host variables to appropriate display fields. Ad hoc access through other reporting tools typically provide a parameter that can enable leading zeroes to be displayed.

In general, it is wise to choose a data type which is closest to the domain for the column. IF the column is to store numeric data, favor choosing a numeric data type: SMALLINT, INTEGER, DECIMAL, or floating point. In addition, always be sure to code appropriate edit checks to ensure data integrity.

A DATE with DB2

What about dates? In my opinion, you should always use a DATE data type for date data. Why anyone would ever store a date or time in a DB2 table any other format than DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP is beyond me. But, oh, they do it all the time. And it causes all sorts of headaches. The benefits of using the proper DB2 data type are many, including:
  • Ensuring data integrity because DB2 will ensure that only valid date and time values are stored
  • The ability to use date and time arithmetic
  • A vast array of built-in functions to operate on and transform date and time values
  • Multiple formatting choices
Additionally, you have multiple built-in functions at your disposal for manipulating date and time data, but only when the data is stored as DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP data types. The time-related DB2 functions include CHAR, DATE, DAY, DAYOFMONTH, DAYOFWEEK, DAYOFYEAR, DAYS, HOUR, JULIAN_DAY, MICROSECOND, MIDNIGHT_SECONDS, MINUTE, MONTH, QUARTER, SECOND, TIME, TIMESTAMP, WEEK, WEEK_ISO, and YEAR.

I get questions all the time from folks who've stored dates using character data types; they ask all kinds of integrity and manipulation questions and I always, always, always start my reply with "You shouldn't have done that!"... and then I try to help them out, if I can. Don't fall into the trap of storing dates using anything but a DATE data type... you'll thank me later.


There is a lot more that can be said about choosing appropriate data types, but I think we've covered enough for today. The bottom line on data types is to use them to protect the integrity of your DB2 data and to simplify your job by taking advantage of DB2’s built-in capabilities. By choosing that data type that most closely matches your data you will be doing yourself, your systems, and your users a big favor.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ensuring Data Integrity is a Tricky Business

The term "data integrity" can mean different things to different people and at different times. But at a high level, there really are two aspects of integrity with respect to databases: database structure integrity and semantic data integrity. Keeping track of database objects and ensuring that each object is created, formatted and maintained properly is the goal of database structure integrity. Each DBMS uses its own internal format and structure to support the databases, table spaces, tables, and indexes under its control. System and application errors at times can cause faults within these internal structures. The DBA must identify and correct such faults before insurmountable problems occur. Semantic data integrity refers to the meaning of data and relationships that need to be maintained between different types of data. The DBMS provides options, controls and procedures to define and assure the semantic integrity of the data stored within its databases.

Structural database integrity and consistency is critical in the ongoing administration of databases. If the structural integrity of the database is not sound, everything else will be suspect, too. There are multiple types of structural problems that can occur. Indexing problems are one. Certain types of database maintenance can cause such problems and DBAs need to be able to recognize the problem, and rebuild the indexes to correct their structural integrity. Indexes are not the only database objects that utilize pointers. Many DBMSs use pointers to store very large objects containing text and image data. These can become corrupted.In today's modern database systems, structural integrity is rare -- much rarer than it used to be.

The more difficult and more pervasive problem is assuring the semantic integrity of the data. Getting that right requires proper design, processes that match your business requirements, good communication skills, and constant vigilance.

Perhaps the number one cause of data integrity problems is improperly designed databases. Just getting the data type and length correct for each column can go a long way to making sure the right data is stored. Think about it. If you need to store dates but the column is defined as CHAR(8) how can you enforce that only valid dates are stored? You would need to code program logic to accomplish that. But if the column is defined as DATE then the DBMS would take care of it -- and more of the data would be likely to be correct.

The DBA must also set up data relationships properly in the database. This is done using referential integrity (RI), a method for ensuring the "correctness" of data within a DBMS. People tend to over-simplify RI stating that it is merely the identification of relationships between tables. It is actually much more than this. Of course, the identification of the primary and foreign keys that constitutes a relationship between tables is a component of defining referential integrity. Basically, RI guarantees that an acceptable value is always in the foreign key column. Acceptable is defined in terms of an appropriate value as housed in the corresponding primary key (or perhaps null).

The combination of the relationship and the rules attached to that relationship is referred to as a referential constraint. The rules that accompany the RI definition are just as important as the relationship. These rules define how data is to be properly added to the databases and what happens when it is removed.

There are other mechanisms in the DBMS that DBAs can use to enforce semantic data integrity. Check constraints and rules can be applied to columns that dictate valid values. The DBMS will reject invalid data that does not conform to the constraints. More complex data relationships can be set up using database triggers.

Every DBA should take advantage of the mechanisms provided by the DBMS to ensure data integrity. When DBMS-provided methods are used, fewer data integrity problems are likely to be found. Fewer data integrity problems mean higher quality databases and more proficient end users. You have to know what integrity rules are proper for the DBMS to enforce. But once defined, many of those rules can be enforced by the DBMS.

And that is very good, indeed!

Friday, November 07, 2008

More on DB2 Date and Time Data: Arithmetic Expressions

DB2 allows you to add and subtract DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP columns. In addition, you can add date and time durations to, or subtract them from, date and time columns. But use date and time arithmetic with care. If you do not understand the capabilities and features of date and time arithmetic, you will likely encounter some problems implementing it.

Keep the following rules in mind.

When you issue date arithmetic statements using durations, do not try to establish a common conversion factor between durations of different types. For example, the following two date arithmetic statements are not equivalent:

    1997/04/03 - 1 MONTH
  1997/04/03 - 30 DAYS

April has 30 days, so the normal response would be to subtract 30 days to subtract one month. The result of the first statement is 1997/03/03, but the result of the second statement is 1997/03/04. In general, use like durations (for example, use months or use days, but not both) when you issue date arithmetic.

Another consideration: if one operand is a date, the other operand must be a date or a date duration. If one operand is a time, the other operand must be a time or a time duration. You cannot mix durations and data types with date and time arithmetic.

If one operand is a timestamp, the other operand can be a time, a date, a time duration, or a date duration. The second operand cannot be a timestamp. You can mix date and time durations with timestamp data types.

Now, what exactly is in that field returned as the result of a date or time calculation? Simply stated, it is a duration. There are three types of durations: date durations, time durations, and labeled durations.

Date durations are expressed as a DECIMAL(8,0) number. The result of subtracting one DATE value from another is a date duration. To be properly interpreted, the number must have the format yyyymmdd, where yyyy represents the number of years, mm the number of months, and dd the number of days.

Time durations are expressed as a DECIMAL(6,0) number. To be properly interpreted, the number must have the format hhmmss, where hh represents the number of hours, mm the number of minutes, and ss the number of seconds. The result of subtracting one TIME value from another is a time duration.

Labeled durations represent a specific unit of time as expressed by a number followed by one of the seven duration keywords: YEARS, MONTHS, DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, or MICROSECONDS. A labeled duration can only be used as an operand of an arithmetic operator, and the other operand must have a data type of DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP. For example:


This will add three and a half years to the current date.

Monday, November 03, 2008

On Date Formats, Part 2

Here is a follow-up question and answer based on my previous blog post:

Q: My format does not fit into any of the formats listed in the DB2 manuals. What if I have a DATE stored like YYYYMMDD (with no dashes or slashes) and I want to compare it to a DB2 date?

A: Okay, let's look at one potential solution to your problem (and then I want to briefly talk about the use of proper data types). First of all you indicate that your date column contains dates in the following format: yyyymmdd with no dashes or slashes. You do not indicate whether this field is a numeric or character field - I will assume that it is character. If it is not, you can use the CHAR function to convert it to a character string.

Then, you can use the SUBSTR function to break the character column apart into the separate components, for example SUBSTR(column,1,4) returns the year component, SUBSTR(column,5,2) returns the month, and SUBSTR(column,7,2) returns the day.

Then you can concatenate all of these together into a format that DB2 recognizes, for example, the USA format which is mm/DD/yyyy. This can be done as follows:

SUBSTR(column,5,2) || "/" || SUBSTR(column,7,2) || 
"/" || SUBSTR(column,1,4)

Then you can use the DATE function to convert this character string into a DATE that DB2 will recognize. This is done as follows:

DATE(SUBSTR(column,5,2) || "/" || SUBSTR(column,7,2) || 
"/" || SUBSTR(column,1,4))

The result of this can be used in date arithmetic with other dates or date durations. Of course, it may not perform extremely well, but it should return the results you desire.

Now, a quick word about using proper data types. I say this all of the time, but there are many applications and implementations "out there" that do not heed the advice: it is wise to use the DATE data type when you store dates in DB2 tables. It simplifies life later on when you want to do things like formatting dates and performing date arithmetic.

Using the appropriate data type also ensures that DB2 will perform the proper integrity checks on the columns when data is entered, instead of requiring application logic to ensure that valid dates are entered.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

On Date Formats

Regular readers of my blog know that from time to time I use the blog as a forum to answer questions I get via e-mail. Today, we address a popular theme - dealing with DB2 date data...

Q:I have a DATE column in a DB2 table, but I do not want it to display the way DB2 displays it by default. How can I get a date format retrieved from a column in a table from DB2 database in the format MM/DD/YYYY?

A:The simplest way to return a date in the format you desire is to use the built-in column function CHAR. Using this function you can convert a date column into any number of formats. The specific format you request, MM/DD/YYYY, is the USA date format. So, for example, to return the date in the format you requested for a column named START_DATE you would code the function as follows:


The first argument is the column name and the second argument is the format. Consult the following table for a list of the date formats that are supported by DB2.
















Locally defined layout


You may also have an installation-defined date format that would be named LOCAL. For LOCAL, the date exit for ASCII data is DSNXVDTA, the date exit for EBCDIC is DSNXVDTX, and the date exit for Unicode is DSNXVDTU.

Of course, this is a simple date question... I will follow-up with some additional date-related questions and answers in my next couple of blog posts.